Dear Jim and Chuck

December 4, 2006
Greenfield: David Kuo tries to set the record straight in an open letter to James Dobson and Chuck Colson...

Unknown Leaders

November 30, 2006
Greenfield: A new Barna Group poll has found that “Major Christian Leaders Are Widely Unknown, Even Among Christians.” In...

Nicaragua's Ban on Abortion

November 28, 2006
Nicole Greenfield: In a Revealer piece posted yesterday, Nora Connor critiqued major U.S. papers for not reporting the religion...

Velvet Revolution in Iran?

November 27, 2006
Greenfield: Martin Beck Matustik, a Czech-born professor of Philosophy at Purdue, makes a connection between pre-1989 dissidents in Prague...

Gospel Explosion!

November 21, 2006
Greenfield: Gospel Information Explosion! A group of evangelical Christians want you to “help save Wal-Mart from the radical homosexual...

Isn't It Ironic?

November 20, 2006
Greenfield: Rick Warren denies making politcal statements to the state-run Syrian media during a recent visit to the country....

God Bless Canada

November 18, 2006
In today’s NY Times: “Gay Marriage Galvanizes Canada’s Religious Right.” This is the latest in a growing file of...

Al Jazeera English

November 15, 2006
Nicole Greenfield: Al Jazeera English made its on-air debut today with high hopes of becoming “the first non-Western source...

Inherently Disordered

November 15, 2006
U.S. bishops to gays: we welcome you, just as long as you don’t have sex.

War on Thanksgiving?

November 14, 2006
Greenfield: A war on Thanksgiving? Quoting Abe Lincoln, Eric Reed pleas for our “thankless society” to forget football and...

The Aristocrat

November 11, 2006
Jeff Sharlet: John Wilson, writing from “one of the nerve centers of the evangelical conspiracy” — he’s the editor...

The Haggard's Tale

November 3, 2006
Sharlet: The Ted Haggard confessions continue. Haggard, the former president of the National Association of Evangelicals, now admits to...

God's Entourage

October 26, 2006
Christina Huh: An LA Times report on the latest spiritual development in Hollywood offers no trendy red bracelets, no...

Islamic Studies Study

October 25, 2006
Greenfield: A report published today that examined 55 higher education departments and centers in Britain that offer courses in...


October 25, 2006
Greenfield: Adam Garfinkle, editor of The American Interest, on Jewcentricity, how it works in the media, and what it...

Relics For Sale

October 25, 2006
Greenfield: The Los Angeles-based International Crusade for Holy Relics (ICHR), an independent group of Christians, is calling for a...

Absolute Nonsense

October 24, 2006
Greenfield: The mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, says the debate over whether Muslim women wearing veils has parallels with...

I Have To Confess...

October 19, 2006
Greenfield: “I have to confess, I was going through a nervous breakdown. I was taking pills — tranquilizers. I...

Hot Topic

October 18, 2006
Greenfield: Islam continues to be a hot topic in England. Tony Blair backs Jack Straw in the “mark of...

A New Media Darling?

October 18, 2006
Greenfield: Mother Jones recently published an article on eccentric preacher K.A. Paul and his meeting with House Speaker Dennis...

Dawkins' Child Rearing Advice

October 16, 2006
Christina Huh: To Richard Dawkins, the most dangerous people are not fundamentalists, but religious moderates who raise children to...

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