God Bless Canada

Published on November 18, 2006

In today’s NY Times: “Gay Marriage Galvanizes Canada’s Religious Right.” This is the latest in a growing file of stories about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the movement that helped put him in power. Next to Harper, Bush is a unitarian, but Harper’s a lot smarter than our First Christian, which is perhaps why […]

In today’s NY Times: “Gay Marriage Galvanizes Canada’s Religious Right.” This is the latest in a growing file of stories about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the movement that helped put him in power. Next to Harper, Bush is a unitarian, but Harper’s a lot smarter than our First Christian, which is perhaps why it’s taken the American press so long to catch up to him, unlike The Revealer’s own Kathryn Joyce, who took issue with the NYT’s decision to cover Harper without any mention of his religion last January. Former Timesman
Chris Hedges does a better job with the story than his alma mater in The Nation. And while the Canadian Walrus (their version of The Atlantic) seems flummoxed by their young PM’s American-style religion, they offer the most in-depth look at its relationship to Canadian politics and its international implications.

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