Divine Intervention

October 14, 2006
Greenfield: Think Progress has a link to a new kind of political ad. Created by Stop 42, a Colorado...

Apple Mecca

October 14, 2006
Greenfield: The Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in NYC is a “blatant insult to Islam,” according to an unspecified...

Dismiss The Subverters "El Pronto"

October 13, 2006
Greenfield: Max Blumenthal’s most recent illuminating report in the Nation focuses on a conservative Christian solution to the Foley...

Jews Gone Wild

October 12, 2006
Greenfield: According to Jerusalem Post Op-Ed contributor and American Orthodox rabbi Shmuley Boteach, American yeshiva students in Israel for...

Radio France

October 10, 2006
Ecoutez! Revealer’s Jeff Sharlet in a radio documentary about creationism in America, on “France Culture,” a program of Radio...

The Gospel According to Stevie B.

October 9, 2006
Greenfield: Lauren Sandler, author of Righteous: Dispatches from the Evangelical Youth Movement, has an excellent profile of the Gospel-preaching...

The Four Percent Doctrine

October 7, 2006
Greenfield: Alternet‘s Evan Derkacz had a unique response to yesterday’s New York Times piece on evangelical pastors’ fear “that...

Spirit and Power

October 6, 2006
Greenfield: The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has published a report on Pentecostalism and other charismatic movements...

The Gospel of Green

October 4, 2006
Greenfield: “For Americans, this has been the year the earth turned biblical. Pharaoh may have faced plagues and frogs...

Pandering to Dobson

September 27, 2006
Greenfield: Max Blumenthal’s account of this year’s Value Voters Summit includes a red-faced George Allen, “The Four Horsemen,” and...

"Scary" Evangelicals

September 26, 2006
Greenfield: Ted Haggard condemns Jesus Camp, saying it makes evangelicals look “scary” and that “the filmmakers take the charismatic,...

A Christian Soldier Court-Martialed

September 25, 2006
Prediction: George Allen, Virgina Senator, Republican presidential hopeful, is toast. Why? Because he used a bit of French slang,...

Hilliary Clinton Worse Than The Devil

September 24, 2006
Greenfield: “I hope she’s the candidate. Beacuse nothing will energize my [constituency] like Hillary Clinton…If Lucifer ran, he wouldn’t.”...

Monopoly On Reason

September 22, 2006
In this week’s Nation, two professors at the American University of Beirut question the potential for inter-religious dialogue when...

The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

September 21, 2006
Greenfield: Many have reported on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s comment that referred to President Bush as the devil. Some...

Whose Cross Is It?

September 21, 2006
Beliefnet’s Paul O’Donnell tells the story behind Madonna’s controversial mock-crucifixion.

Front-Page Privilege

September 20, 2006
Greenfield: Apparently speed dating wasn’t the only thing going on at this year’s Islamic Society of North America convention....

Faith on Film on Radio

September 20, 2006
Sharlet: I’ll be discussing FoxFaith’s new evangelical film division live on BBC Four radio tonight, sometime between 5:30-6 tonight.

Divining The Brain

September 20, 2006
“We may really need to develop a new kind of science — or at least a new approach to...

Speed Dating for Muslims

September 19, 2006
Greenfield: The New York Times explores the world of Muslim speed dating at the Islamic Society of North America’s...


September 19, 2006
Greenfield: The LA Times reports that Fox has created a new division that will focus solely on producing Christian...

Blogging the Bible

September 18, 2006
Greenfield: Back in May, David Plotz at Slate.com took up the project of blogging the Bible. His goal: “to...

Camp Out

September 18, 2006
Greenfield: When Jesus Camp, a documentary which follows evangelical children to the Kids on Fire Summer Camp, opens this...

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