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October 14, 2005
14 October 2005 Newt Gingrich is back, saying some vague stuff about religion being the cornerstone of America’s identity and the...

Bush Said God Said

October 14, 2005
14 October 2005 Al Kamen, Washington Post columnist, runs through the history of Bush’s near-misses with claims of divine guidance, from...


October 13, 2005
13 October 2005 Revealer contributor Peter Manseau will read from his new book, Vows: The Story of a Priest, a Nun, and Their...

No Tribes for You

October 13, 2005
13 October 2005 Somewhere amid their moving crates in Venezuela’s Apure state, a group of Florida “New Tribesmen” are...

Coalition Demolition

October 13, 2005
13 October 2005 Sad times are here for the once king-making Christian Coalition. As The Washington Times’Julia Duin chronicles the...

Last Supper Swap Meet

October 13, 2005
13 October 2005 The Vatican has proposed a swap with the Israeli government, trading an historic synagogue in Spain (which is...

Burkha Ban

October 13, 2005
13 October 2005 An anti-immigrant minister in the Netherlands has proposed a ban on the burkha in certain public places and...

Not a Cheap Commodity

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Bush tries to save his Miers project from implosion by ‘fessing up that his advisors had promoted the...

New Virgins

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet responds to Jeremy Lott about the importance of chastity to the Christian conservative movement, on Beliefnet.

This Is Not What It Seems

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Sharlet: I’ve a short item on Harriet Miers’ church, Valley View Christian, coming out in an upcoming...

Pitbull Press

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Sharlet: 10 minutes after I write a Revealer item wondering why the press failed to notice the white...

Attempting to Dissuade Believers

October 11, 2005
11 October 2005 Kaitlyn Burch: Time columnist Leon Jaroff predicts the end of homeopathic medicine, after reading a study from British medical...

On HPV Message

October 11, 2005
11 October 2005 Sarah Price Brown: When The Los Angeles Times reported Friday on a breakthrough vaccine to prevent cervical cancer,...

Praising God, Worshipping Mammon

October 11, 2005
11 October 2005 Reporting on Reporting on the Templeton Foundation. By Nick Street On the front page of the...

Key Dobson

October 10, 2005
10 October 2005 The Boston Globe launches a three-part series on “key evangelical leaders” with a solid reporton James Dobson of Focus on...

Supernatural George

October 7, 2005
07 October 2005 “‘If Bush really wants to obey God during his time as president he should start with...

Miers Post

October 7, 2005
07 October 2005 From Christianity Today Weblog, an exhaustive compilation of links regarding the religious and personal beliefs of Supreme...

Pulp Religion

October 7, 2005
07 October 2005 A reassigned Catholic priest on a crusade of sexual moralizing, who was found to have child...

Ideas in Effigy

October 7, 2005
07 October 2005 If evolutionism is a religion, does this become hate speech? Two Dover, PA, school board members praised the burning...

Touring 1984

October 6, 2005
06 October 2005 Todd Smilovitz: It’s nice that North Korea is allowing a Buddhist temple to be restored, butLos Angeles...

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