Manseau to Pope: Thanks for the Peg!

Published on October 16, 2006

Give a listen to a little commentarial jujitsu as The Revealer’s West Coast Editor Peter Manseau bends over backwards to turn the newly minted sainthood of a 19th century nun into a plug for his memoir, Vows. It’s actually less of a stretch than it seems, as Benedict XVI surely realized when he chose to […]

Give a listen to a little commentarial jujitsu as The Revealer’s West Coast Editor Peter Manseau bends over backwards to turn the newly minted sainthood of a 19th century nun into a plug for his memoir, Vows. It’s actually less of a stretch than it seems, as Benedict XVI surely realized when he chose to canonize Mother Theodore Guerin on the very day Vows was released in paperback.

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