Out, Out, Damned Christians

February 26, 2007
Out magazine didn’t post their feature on queer evangelicals in last month’s (February) issue, but it’s worth finding the...

Sam and Pat and Mitt

January 24, 2007
Sharlet: Has God been talking trash about Senator Sam Brownback to Pat Robertson? A year ago, I published a...

Azzam the American

January 18, 2007
Holly Berman: The Revealer has long maintained that most reporters don’t pay enough attention to the intellectual development of...

The Name "Noam"

January 11, 2007
Noam Scheiber of The New Republic has written a smart, long profile of Senator Sam Brownback, the most conservative...

What's Up with Radio?

January 10, 2007
Greenfield: Christianity Today had an interesting idea to do a four-part series on the current and future state of...

Prophetic Preaching

January 10, 2007
Greenfield: Where have all the prophets gone? That’s what Baptist preacher Marvin McMickle asks in his new book which...

24 Hour Prayer People

January 9, 2007
Greenfield: CBN reports on the increasing popularity of the 24/7 prayer movement — an international and interdenominational movement dedicated...

The Late Night Show

January 3, 2007
Nicole Greenfield: In an article in today’s New York Times, Salman Masood writes about an eccentricity currently dominating Pakistani...

Read the Fine Print

January 2, 2007
The Boston Globe‘s Drake Bennett may be misstating the case when it describes the early Church of Latter Day...

Boomtown Blues

December 31, 2006
Paul Asay, religion reporter for the Colorado Springs Gazette, teams up with colleague Dave Phillips to ponder the post-Haggard...

But What Does She Believe?

December 26, 2006
Holly Berman: The New York Times‘ David D. Kirkpatrick has been covering evangelicals and politics long enough that we...


December 22, 2006
Sharlet: In Rwanda and Burundi, the American press saw “tribal warfare” — ancient and savagely natural — in massacres...

On Faith

December 18, 2006
The Washington Post and Newsweek are collaborating on a new venture called <a href= "http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/"On Faith, a "conversation on...

He Just Wants to Dance

December 15, 2006
The line that really jumped out at us from the news of the New Jersey legislature’s vote for civil...

"Here and Now"

December 14, 2006
Sharlet: I was slated to discuss my latest Harper’s piece, “Through A Glass, Darkly,” on WBUR’s “Here and Now,”...

Out With the Old

December 13, 2006
Trouble ahead for the accelerating press narrative of a new “religious left”: American Jews aren’t just conservative on Israel...

Smells Like Military Spirit, Part 2

December 12, 2006
Sharlet: I’ll be a guest on Air America’s “Rachel Maddow Show” tonight briefly discussing the potential scandal of the...


December 12, 2006
The Ted Haggard domino effect.

Free Thinking Penguins

December 10, 2006
Sharlet: What is it about penguins and God? Whatever the flightless, flippered birds do is taken as revelation of...

Somalis in Maine

December 8, 2006
Greenfield: In this week’s New Yorker, William Finnegan has an excellent piece on the Muslim Somali community in Lewiston,...

United States Artist

December 5, 2006
Sharlet: Revealer contributor Michael Lesy is one of the first 50 recipients of the $50,000 United States Artist Fellowships...

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