RT if u

April 25, 2012
Ashley Baxstrom: You’ve probably heard at this point about the Vatican’s statement concerning what it considers to be the...

An Art Critic in Ethiopia

April 22, 2012
From Holland Cotter's article on his visit to the sunken churches of Lalibela: A priest, in white, stood at...

Chuck Colson Reads

April 21, 2012
Anthea Butler at Religion Dispatches David Badash at The New Civil Rights Movement Jeff Sharlet on Twitter Michael...

Our Rabbi

April 21, 2012
Rachel Barenblat at Velveteen Rabbi summarizes last Saturday’s Bloggercon session on religion and blogging.

So Long, Rowan Williams

April 16, 2012
What does Rowan Williams's resignation mean for American Anglicans? By Daniel Schultz Word reached us lately that the eyebrows of the...

TransFaith, TransWeb

April 12, 2012
Becky Garrison: The Miss Universe Organization’s decision to change their rules so that transgender women can compete appears to...

Daily Links

April 11, 2012
Intelligent design, Günter Grass, Kathryn Joyce on Santorum's family, Kony, Andrew Sullivan's call to follow Jesus, me and feeding...

U.S. Religion by Number

March 30, 2012
Ashley Baxstrom:  Where would we be without the Huffington Post? NOT in the know about the most and...

Riot in the Cathedral

March 30, 2012
  A review of The Orthodox Church and Russian Politics, by Irina Papkova. Oxford University Press, 2011. By Sean Guillory In late February,...

Put a Gun to their Head

March 29, 2012
Maybe use of fear and violence isn’t the best way to teach about fear and violence. Ashley Baxstrom:  This headline...

Easter Riot

March 27, 2012
Ashley Baxstrom: It’s a curious culture we live in when a children’s event has to be cancelled because people...

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