
The Revealer Jumps the Shark

April 25, 2008
By Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins Friends, we have a terrible confession we must make: We were wrong. In our...

Clinton, Coe, and the King

April 25, 2008
What do the king of Norway and Hillary and Clinton have in common? They’re both pals with Doug Coe,...

Atheism Backlash, Part Two

April 23, 2008
Given that atheism's most visible champions are three smart boy writers -- Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins...

Jesus Christ, Vegas Showgirl

April 23, 2008
What’s worse than Mel Gibson’s Passion? A biography of Jesus by the director of Showgirls. Next up: Brett Ratner...

Cult Rock!

April 22, 2008
NPR reporter Jennifer Sharpe describes her journalistic immersion into the "ooga booga" of Father Yod's Source Family commune, the...

Rightward Bound

April 22, 2008
Religious right watcher Bill Berkowitz, whose work we’ve touted before, joined two scholars we admire — Bruce Schulman and...

Fanfare for the Common Man

April 21, 2008
Newsweek‘s cover story this week depicts a remote community of frustrated, working class folk facing dim economic prospects and...

FundamentaList Faultlines

April 21, 2008
Nobody's doing a better job than The American Prospect's Sarah Posner at tracking the fault lines splitting the old...

Bishop Tom's Clever Fundamentalism

April 21, 2008
Leave it to the Anglicans to make biblical literalism sound thoughtful. Sholto Byrnes in New Statesman on Britain’s cleverest...

Ring Those Bells

April 21, 2008
“Art demands detachment,” writes Leon Wieseltier, “but religion forbids it.” Huh? That’s about as narrow a conception of both...

Staging Belief

April 20, 2008
The counterpart to today’s NYT frontpager on the pope’s mild stand on behalf of immigrants is the Metro section...

A Pat Robertson Retrospective

April 20, 2008
Bill Sizemore of the Virginian-Pilot has spent much of his career reporting on Pat Robertson, the last alpha male...

"What's a Pope?"

April 20, 2008
Peter Manseau in The Washington Post, on the incredible shrinking papacy.

Persecution Complexes

April 17, 2008
A historian of early Christianity looks at contemporary evangelicalism’s persecution complexes in light of the Christian martyrdom tradition and...

Blasphemous Lollipop

April 17, 2008
Jeff Sharlet: Daniel Radosh sucks one in this Bloggingheads "diavlog" -- a video blog conversation Daniel and I had...

Religion is Media

April 16, 2008
Is there something about mediation itself that resonates with modern ideas of religiosity? By Angela Zito Excerpted from Rethinking Religion 101:...

The Confession Forum

April 16, 2008
How mainstream media reduces religion to moral matters and why that hurts the debate about the politics of faith....

How to Name a War

March 26, 2008
"Euphemism and American Violence," an essay in the New York Review of Books by David Bromwich, may be the...

Bad Moon Rising

March 25, 2008
John Gorenfeld puts Obama's alleged "problem pastor" in perspective by shining a light on another religious figure with even...

Faith-Based Birthday

March 17, 2008
Faith-Based Initatives just turned seven. And it looks like the program may have a long life ahead of it....

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The Revealer