Party for the Animals

July 1, 2011
Amy Levin: First it was cutting foreskin, now it’s cutting throats. Jewish and Muslim ritual practices are getting...

Bachmann's "Evangelical Feminism"

June 30, 2011
Kathryn Montalbano: What is meant by "feminist"--the inherently problematic, unfixed term that often causes pangs of discomfort when mustered...

God is in the Kudzu

June 29, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom: I love summer – you’ve got the ice cream, the green trees, drinking out-of-doors, and the pleasurable...

Our Daily Links

June 29, 2011
Hate the sin, love the sinner says a coalition of Christian groups, including the Vatican, who've compiled a...

A Germ of Believability

June 28, 2011
Abby Ohlheiser: So, did you hear that, following New York's lead, The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) now recognizes and...

Mormons in Africa

June 26, 2011
From James Fenton's review of the Broadway musical by the creators of "South Park," "The Book of Mormon," at...

Our Daily Links

June 24, 2011
Way back, the Mormon Church coughed up a chunk of money to petition for Proposition 8 in California. ...

One Toke Over the Line

June 23, 2011
Cultures do change.  It looks like 2011 could be 420, thanks to a libertarian-gay tag-team in...

The Urgency and the Lunacy

June 22, 2011
A Q&A with biographer Deborah Baker, author of The Convert: A Tale of Exile and Extremism, released last...

The Church Needs Men

June 22, 2011
It's no secret there's a short supply of Catholic priests in the US, so when we heard that the...

The Bishops, Proving Me Right

June 21, 2011
I shouldn't take any credit for predicting the actions of the most predictable institution on the globe, but I'll...


June 20, 2011
Kathryn Montalbano: After a 3-hour debate today in the New York State Assembly, the future of gay marriage in...

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