19 September 2004 Daily Links

September 19, 2004
Doug Grow, of The Minneapolis Star Tribune, reports on the tempest-in-a-teapot in central Minnesota’s Renville County, after Texas-transplant Rick Blauvelt...

18 September 2004 Daily Links

September 18, 2004
Anti-Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) activists meeting in Nairobi called for comprehensive legislation banning the practice, which removes part of all...

17 September 2004 Daily Links

September 17, 2004
The Republican National Committee sends mailings to West Virginia voters warning that the Bible will be banned if Democrats win in...

16 September 2004 Daily Links

September 16, 2004
Forget about Bob Jones University. Republicans know what’s best for Catholics. Are Bush’s religious beliefs “‘as American as apple pie,'” as...

15 September 2004 Daily Links

September 15, 2004
Madonna, and entourage (including Marla Trump, Demi Moore, and Donna Karan), are scheduled to arrive in Jerusalem today to...

14 September 2004 Daily Links

September 14, 2004
“‘They’ve done so much with outlawing and restricting access to abortion that they’ve set their sights on birth control...

My Life in the Bush of Ghosts

September 14, 2004
“World Music” and the Commodification of Religious Experience: Professor Steve Feld of the University of New Mexico will explore what happens...

Other Peoples' Rituals

September 14, 2004
Every now and then The Revealer receives a press release, or a sales pitch, or a call to arms — or,...

"The Question of God" Questioned

September 14, 2004
Notes from Dr. Armand Nicholi’s militant past. By Jeff Sharlet PBS’s latest God offering — “The Question of God,”...

13 September 2004 Daily Links

September 13, 2004
John Leland’s New York Times report on Christian rap is about as embarrassing as you might expect (explaining that a youth...

Ordinary Life and Death

September 11, 2004
Even as the battle over the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf quickens toward a devastating conclusion neither the U.S....

What and Why People Believe

September 11, 2004
By Diane Winston How does the paper of record report on religion? If the September 11, 2004 story on Montpelier, Vermont’s...

10 September 2004 Daily Links

September 10, 2004
Pew’s latest study finds that “Americans in most religious categories want laws to define marriage as between a man and...

09 September 2004 Daily Links

September 9, 2004
A car bomb detonated outside the Australian Embassy in Jakarta killed nine and wounded 173 just before Indonesia’s presidential...

08 September 2004 Daily Links

September 8, 2004
“If Kerry Wins…“: Dick Cheney opts for equal opportunity voter intimidation. “‘Thank you, Lord, for loving journalism'”: Columbia Journalism Review’s Gal Beckerman writes...

What God Gap? Part 6

September 7, 2004
Burnt Offerings What the Anarchists Want By Jeff Sharlet On the Sunday of the big march that lassoed Manhattan...

07 September 2004 Daily Links

September 7, 2004
“It says something about a chasm in American culture that two groups that deride each other’s core beliefs use...

What God Gap? Part 1

September 7, 2004
A Bush voter marches against Bush By Jeff Sharlet Bill McDonald doesn’t claim to know what Jesus would do,...

What God Gap? Part 2

September 7, 2004
A Catholic Skips Mass for Communion in the Streets By Scott M. Korb I skipped Mass again last Sunday....

What God Gap? Part 3

September 7, 2004
A (Job) Seeker Gets Lost in the Crowd By Jesse Sunenblick “I am poured out like water, and all...

Friendly Fire?

September 7, 2004
The Marine William Hunt, referred me to CNN.com’s casualty count for March 23, 2003. It lists 19 Marines killed in...

What God Gap? Part 4

September 7, 2004
TV News to Believers: Behave! By Kathryn Joyce Tuesday night, August 31st — the well-publicized A31 day of civil...

What God Gap? Part 5

September 7, 2004
Nuns & Baptists Die-In, Balloons Fall From Heaven Two visions of “compassion” By Jason Boog After reading 30-pages of...

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