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Published on June 24, 2011

Way back, the Mormon Church coughed up a chunk of money to petition for Proposition 8 in California. With two presidential nominees, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman, now officially in the 2012 race, everybody's asking which candidate will get keys to the church and community's coffers.  Catherine Elson at The Divining Blog recently wrote to tell us about her post on the Top 15 Blogs on Religious Studies. Check it out. Evolutionary Christianity is my current site of interest.  You can read a new study on anti-Muslim hate by the Southern Poverty Law Center here.  The council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has also released a report, "Same Hate, New Target."  Patheos has a new "Progressive Christian" portal.  You can read a new piece by Becky Garrison there that argues for a distinction among so-called progressives according to positioning on LGBT issues.  The West Texas Catholic Diocese of San Angelo recently held a seminar on exorcism that drew hundreds of attendees.  Are you smarter than an atheist? Odyssey Networks just released a video that interviews two Presbyterian ministers about their opinion on the recent removal of "celibacy in singleness" requirement from ordained ministers. (h/t Becky Garrison, PZ Myers)

Way back, the Mormon Church coughed up a chunk of money to petition for Proposition 8 in California. With two presidential nominees, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman, now officially in the 2012 race, everybody’s asking which candidate will get keys to the church and community’s coffers.  Catherine Elson at The Divining Blog recently wrote to tell us about her post on the Top 15 Blogs on Religious Studies. Check it out. Evolutionary Christianity is my current site of interest.  You can read a new study on anti-Muslim hate by the Southern Poverty Law Center here.  The council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has also released a report, “Same Hate, New Target.”  Patheos has a new “Progressive Christian” portal.  You can read a new piece by Becky Garrison there that argues for a distinction among so-called progressives according to positioning on LGBT issues.  The West Texas Catholic Diocese of San Angelo recently held a seminar on exorcism that drew hundreds of attendees.  Are you smarter than an atheist? Odyssey Networks just released a video that interviews two Presbyterian ministers about their opinion on the recent removal of “celibacy in singleness” requirement from ordained ministers.

(h/t Becky Garrison, PZ Myers)

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