One Verse at a Time

December 1, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom: There are trending topics, and then there are trending topics. Like the kind that will last 86...

Merry Christmas to Me!

November 30, 2011
Mary Valle:  All I really want for Christmas is to watch "The Exorcist" with Fr. Gabriele Amorth.  I...

Not all Sex is a Scandal

November 19, 2011
Cain, Sandusky, Catholic Priests. Sex has been in the headlines a lot lately. But some important distinctions...

Vegan Criminals

November 17, 2011
Amy Levin: You're in jail.  What will you eat on Thanksgiving day?  Most media coverage of religion in prison over...

Muslim Drag

November 15, 2011
Amy Levin: What would Muslim drag look like? Something like this? Yesterday, the AHA Foundation shared a...

Liberia's Devils

November 9, 2011
Nora Connor: We’ve been watching PBS’s “Women, War and Peace.” Less a series than a grouping of thematically linked films,...

Spice Up Your (Church) Life

November 9, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom: Apparently, the Roman Catholic Church is at risk of death by boredom. Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the...

Daily Links

November 4, 2011
Laura Larson writes at States of Formation about the business of making monsters: Through political rhetoric and sensationalized reporting,...

Give Us This Day Our Daily Links

November 2, 2011
Catch Diane Winston on Krista Tippett's "On Being."  She's talking about TV, storytelling, and faith. In his new book,...

Immoral Halloween Temptations

October 27, 2011
Amy Levin: Last week, rushing through the Atlantic-Pacific terminal in Brooklyn, I passed my usual underground subway Jesus cheerleader,...

Arrested Development

October 25, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom:  It’s hard out there for a protestor. Occupying Oakland? Get arrested. Occupying Wall Street? Also get arrested...

Calling Nazi

October 24, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom: Thank God for celebrities, you know? Like, for real. Because without them, how else would conservative religious...

Daily Links: Apocalypse Edition

October 20, 2011
Click right over to Mary Valle's latest at Killing the Buddha on "A Kinder, Gentler Apocalypse."  Of the...

I Like My Guns and My Bible

October 20, 2011
Amy Levin: From suggesting that his tax code is modeled on Sim City 4, to the new twitter...

Scenes From an Occupation

October 16, 2011
Nora Connor spent the wee hours of Friday morning in Zucotti Park, waiting for Bloomberg to evict the Occupy...

No speaking for you!

October 12, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom: Richard Dawkins – evolutionary biologist, author and outspoken critic of religion – has been banned...

Meet Me In New Jersey

October 11, 2011
Tomorrow I'll be giving the Humanities Forum talk at Stevens Institue of Technology.  You should come by.  "How...

In Praise of Capital

October 6, 2011
Amy Levin:  Marching down Lafayette yesterday, surrounded by hundreds of #occupywallstreet protesters, I experienced what many in my shoes...

Hello Daily Links

October 6, 2011
Whattayaknow?! Mormons handle money differently than the rest of us. Same with the Mennonites, and the Jews. Is the...

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