No Tomorrow, for Whatever Reason

March 8, 2005
Bill Moyers updates the article that caused a big flap last February for a possible second-hand misquotation of former...

The Miracle of Scalia

March 8, 2005
Richard Cohen, a Washington Post columnist, finds a little bit of the miraculous in Justice Antonin Scalia’s common-sensical declaration...

Jewish Violence

March 8, 2005
While Gaza Strip settlers await the government withdrawal planned for July, signs of a violent, if submerged, resistance are...

Oprah Sect Secularism

March 8, 2005
Another day, another broad generalization about the horserace between “religion” (define it as you will) and “secularism” (ditto). Today,...

Marrying Monarchs

March 8, 2005
Edward Leigh, a British parliamentarian and Catholic, will introduce legislation today to repeal a 300-year old law preventing heirs...

Pope Joke Fallout

March 7, 2005
New York Press editor Jeff Koyen has just resigned from his position after last week’s cover story, “The 52...

Christian v. Christian

March 7, 2005
A group of Christians in the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys are protesting the bankruptcy reform bill introduced...

Pre-K Law

March 7, 2005
The ACLU is arguing against the constitutionality of a Florida law setting up a pre-kindergarten program that will be...

Justice Department: R.R.U.

March 7, 2005
For anyone surpised that the House passed a bill last week that would assure tax-payer-funded organizations’ right to religiously...

What Do You Know for Sure?

March 4, 2005
“So what am I saying? I am saying the best way for the left to discover the values suitable...

The Controversy of Valladolid

March 4, 2005
Jean-Claude Carriere’s “The Controversy of Valladolid” opens off-Broadway, and apparently, the acting and directing falls flat. But AP reviewer...

See You at the Pole

March 4, 2005
Cleveland Jewish News reports on the flap at a local public school, Shaker Heights High, where some non-Christian students...

Tag Teamin'

March 4, 2005
Next Tuesday, Florida Republican Representative David Weldon, with the support of the National Right to Life Committee, will introduce...

They're Up, They're Down

March 4, 2005
A short month and a half after reports that atheists were poised to take over the world — err,...

Jilbab Ruling

March 3, 2005
Shabina Begum, the 16-year old British Muslim girl who took her school to court over the right to wear...

Right to Discriminate

March 3, 2005
The House narrowly passed a bill allowing religious groups under federal job-training contracts to discriminate in their hiring based...

Who You Calling Centrist?

March 2, 2005
Hillary Clinton’s faith-talk continues, with televangelist-worthy invocations of God’s name, and so do the long media meditations on what...

Naughty Jerseys

March 2, 2005
Is the NFL more godly than the NBA or Major League Baseball? No definitive word on that, but they...

Banks Drop Muslim Accounts

March 2, 2005
Abdus Sattar Ghazali of Dawn writes that a growing number of American Muslims and Muslim businesses have had their...

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