Off the Island

March 24, 2006
Tanya Erzen dissects Focus on the Family’s nationally organized “grass roots” effort to make gay civil rights a matter...

America and Her Superfriend

March 23, 2006
Tony Judt, author of a useful new book on European politics since 1945 called Postwar, demolishes the so-called dean...

Professor Evil

March 23, 2006
Scott Jaschik of Inside Higher Ed debunks David Horowitz’ new book on the evils of academe, The Professors, and...

Nazis Ahead

March 21, 2006
That the Jewish Forward pays more attention to what may be a neo-Nazi resurgence in Germany comes as no...

They All Look the Same, Don't They?

March 20, 2006
WaPo‘s military correspondent Tom Ricks, according to George Will: “who, he wonders, will control the likes of Moqtada al-Sadr?...

The Nice Debate

March 20, 2006
What is there to say about “Ministers of Debate,” Zev Chafets’ amiable NYT Mag profile of the debate team...

America Won't Be Happy!

March 16, 2006
“The War on Christians” conference is coming to D.C., featuring a modified-A-list of conservative heavyweights organized by Vision America,...

Scientology Chef

March 16, 2006
Isaac Hayes, who’s been the voice of South Park character Chef for nearly a decade, is the butt of...

What Jesus Meant

March 14, 2006
“Christ is not a Christian.” Historian Garry Wills talks to WNYC’s Brian Lehrer about his new book, What Jesus...

Gospel Recruiters

March 14, 2006
The Air Force Academy lawsuit continues, with plaintiff Michael Weinstein requesting an expansion of the suit to include the...

Gay Adoption

March 14, 2006
After Pope Benedict called gay adoption “gravely immoral” and Massachusetts’ Catholic bishops declared that Catholic adoption agencies, such as...

Equal Opportunity

March 13, 2006
The Center for Reason crunches government numbers and suggests (relying, somewhat inexactly, on local religious demographics) that Christians have...

The Politically Expedient Word

March 13, 2006
On Tuesday, Quakers and (some) other Christian groups opposed to H.R. 4437 will join with immigrant rights advocates to...

Everything Is Not Permitted

March 13, 2006
13 March 2006 Slavoj Žižek, a rockstar in the world of pop-culture theory and psychoanalysis, tallies the recent results...

Belief in Belief

March 9, 2006
“People who believe in belief, he says, believe that civilization needs myths to live by, so we mustn’t examine...

Conservative Stall

March 9, 2006
The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, which sets policy for Conservative Judaism, has postponed a long-awaited vote about...

The Franklin Graham Show

March 8, 2006
With Franklin Graham taking his father’s place at the head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the occasion’s arrived...

Penis Monologues

March 8, 2006
The Washington Post gives an interesting, if perhaps a bit credulous, report on campus conservatives who take an a...

Pentacle Soldier

March 7, 2006
Alternet on the failure of the National Guard to honor the religious preferences of one of its fallen soldiers,...

In the Details

March 6, 2006
It’s not the devil in the details, it’s God. God with a flair for design. The International Design Magazine...

Abramoff Blight

March 6, 2006
The Abramoff scandal has one more fallout shower: turning off the so-called “September 12 Republicans” — Jewish voters who...

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