Our Daily Links: Knee-Slapper Edition

Published on November 18, 2011

So guess what, Occupy Wall Streeters!  Your lucky day!  Jim Wallis has invited you in from the cold!  I totally can't tell if Wallis is making a funny parody of all the inaccurate media coverage of the movement or if he actually thinks the people on the streets are pathetic orphans. So let’s invite them to our Thanksgiving dinners all across the country, and have “table fellowship,” because that’s what church people do!

The oldest snack in the bag.  Joanna Brooks’ “The Pretzel Logic of Religion and Politics” notes Mormon theocratic ambitions as an example of the way in which “religion is always an issue in American politics, and every issue potentially has religious dimensions.  The real story is in examining who leverages religion, and how, and when, and in whose interest.”  Hear, hear! (h/t Amy Levin)

Now there’s a documentary on NCAA Quarterback of the Year Tim Tebow, famous for his prayers to Jesus for blessing him with the best body in the league, tebowing. (h/t James Davis)

So guess what, Occupy Wall Streeters!  Your lucky day!  Jim Wallis has invited you in from the cold!  I totally can’t tell if Wallis is making a funny parody of all the inaccurate media coverage of the movement or if he actually thinks the people on the streets are pathetic orphans.

So let’s invite them to our Thanksgiving dinners all across the country, and have “table fellowship,” because that’s what church people do!

Bring them in out of the cold, and offer them the appreciation and warm hospitality of a thankful faith community. I’d imagine they must be tired of pizza by now and a turkey — or vegetarian — dinner with all the fixings is likely to attract a crowd (with vegan versions available, of course).

In response to the Sandusky scandal at Penn State, the Catholic Church has promised to educate youth on the dangers of child sex abuse.  Because, you know, the Catholic Church apparently has some expertise.  Eying increased participation in public education, Archbishop Timothy Dolan echoed Rahm Emanuel’s “You never want a serious crisis go to waste”:

One of the good things God might bring out of this evil and this tragedy would be some type of alliance between religion and the educational establishment in a major national campaign to see that this is faced head on.

Speaking of moral truths, The Public Religion Research Institute has released the results of their latest American Values Survey.  Some of the findings?  We want to raise the minimum wage, have a president who believes exactly what we believe–even if they’re Mormon, but not if they’re Muslim or atheist–and we would all like to live and let live.  (Just kidding on that last one.)


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