Forgetting Falwell

May 17, 2007
The media goes mellow for the culture war's fallen general, overlooking the casualties he left behind. By Diane Winston

No Jesus Jokes, Please

April 24, 2007
“What’s He Doing Here?” That’s the title of’s public conference on Jesus in Jewish culture, to be held...

Military Mythology

April 24, 2007
Private Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman’s brother reject Pentagon mythmaking. The Veterans Administration accepts Wiccan mythology (and why that’s...

The Way of All Flesh

April 24, 2007
Jeff Sharlet: The title of Darcey Steinke's new memoir is Easter Everywhere, and her 1997 breakthrough novel was called...

God Bits

April 23, 2007
Neil Young, Jack Nicholson, Bob Dylan, Michael Moore, Jane Fonda, and Patti Smith talk religion in Rolling Stone's 40th...

Europe and Her Enemies

April 23, 2007
It’s time for the West to recognize that it is engaged in a clash of civilizations. Europe, the source...

Big Leagues

April 16, 2007
Former Revealer contributor(here, here, and here) and NYU journalism grad student Elizabeth Rich makes her Washington Post debut. It’s...

Ira Glass, Televangelist

April 12, 2007
The New Yorker‘s TV critic, Nancy Franklin, thinks NPR’s “This American Life” annoys her because host Ira Glass sticks...

Keeping It Unreal

April 12, 2007
Jeff Sharlet: I've a review of Faking It: the quest for authenticity in popular music, in the U.K. magazine...

Teenage Holy War

April 12, 2007
Behind-the-scenes with the most militant Christian youth cruade in America. By Jeff Sharlet.

The NYT Plays "Where's Sadr?"

April 10, 2007
Jeff Sharlet: The holes in Edward Wong's New York Times front-pager on a massive anti-U.S. occupation rally in Najaf...

Rapture and Rose MacGowan

April 9, 2007
Sharlet: Bob Garfield and I discuss jihadi rhetoric, mole tactics, naked Rose MacGowan, and how it all relates to...

Time's Bad Religion

April 9, 2007
Sharlet: I disagree with blogger Bruce Wilson‘s assesment of David Van Biema‘s Time cover story on teaching Bible-as-literature in...

A Timid Man

April 9, 2007
Russell Shorto is one of The Revealer's favorite religion journalists, and his latest New York Times Magazine story on...

Ethiopia's Ghosts

April 9, 2007
There’s a ghost of a religion story in The New York Times‘ report on a North Korean arms deal...

"Blog Against Theocracy"

April 7, 2007
Talk 2 Action is joining with blogger Blue Gal to co-sponsor a “blogswarm” to “Blog Against Theocracy” over Easter...

Teenage Holy War

April 7, 2007
Jeff Sharlet: Rolling Stone has posted online the opening section of my latest feature, "Teenage Holy War," along...

Cells and Souls

April 7, 2007
The Revealer's colleagues in New York University's Department of Journalism have teamed up with The New York Times Company...

Bible Time

April 2, 2007
David Van Biema‘s latest Time cover story, “The Case for Teaching the Bible,” isn’t so much a report as...

National Magazine Awards

April 2, 2007
Have you ever had unkind thoughts about L. Ron Hubbard? If so, you need to read Janet Reitman's 14,000-word...

Take This Bread

April 2, 2007
See Scott Korb's review of Sara Miles' Take This Bread, above. When Miles sent me galleys for the...

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