Challenging OK's Shari'ah Ban

November 4, 2010
Good.  That didn't take long.  Yesterday CAIR announced that they'll challenge the law passed on Tuesday in Oklahoma...

Debating Constantinianism

November 4, 2010
Chris Armstrong at Grateful to the Dead takes up Peter Leithart's book, Defending Constantine, and gets a...


November 4, 2010
Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition is enjoying the fruits of a successful midterm election, claiming the Tea...

Following Snake Signs

November 4, 2010
by Abby Ohlheiser The Bible says: “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they...

Inflating or Deflating Beck?

October 29, 2010
Becky Garrison: In her article for Washington Post's On Faith blog about Glenn Beck and the Comedy Central rallies this weekend, Jennifer Butler neglects...

Bart in Rome

October 27, 2010
Ashley Baxstrom: The Simpsons are now officially a little holier-than-thou.  Last Sunday's L'Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican newspaper, claimed the...

Caliandro Blogs

October 27, 2010
Dr. Arthur Caliandro has a new medium.  The successor to Norman Vincent Peale as Senior Minister at New...

The Tea Party Finds Newt's God

October 27, 2010
This week Digby wondered if Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is making a move to appear more...

Tea Party Theology

October 27, 2010
From "Is the Tea Party becoming a religious movement?" by Jeff Sharlet at CNN. Liberals and centrists wring their...

True Religion: Not Just Jeans

October 14, 2010
Elissa Lerner: A new study by business and management professors at Duke, NYU and Tel Aviv University analyzes...

C Street Book Launch, Nov. 1, NYC

October 13, 2010
Come celebrate the launch of Jeff Sharlet's latest book!  C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy is...

REEL CHINA @NYU, Oct. 15-17

October 7, 2010
Update:  For a review of Huang Weikai's film, Disorder, viewed at REEL CHINA @NYU last weekend, read Hua Hsu's...

O Come All Ye Gleeful

October 6, 2010
Elissa Lerner: Whoa gang, who saw last night's episode of Glee? Although it wasn't exactly groundbreaking, it certainly...

Cities and the Dead

October 5, 2010
Colin Dickey writes about cities and the dead for Lapham's Quarterly.  From "Necropolis": Throughout early Christendom, bishops consolidated power...

Kosher Enough

October 2, 2010
By Peter Bebergal In April 2009, at the peak of the Swine Flu scare, Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman...

Junkets for Jesus

September 29, 2010
By Jeff Sharlet This article is cross-posted from Mother Jones and is adapted from C Street: The Fundamentalist...

Who Remembers McCarthy?

September 25, 2010
Becky Garrison: Over at Killing the Buddha, Garrett Baer addresses the current controversy over Park51 by raising the...

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