Teenage Holy War

Published on April 7, 2007

Jeff Sharlet: Rolling Stone has posted online the opening section of my latest feature, "Teenage Holy War," along with video of its subject, evangelist Ron Luce's "BattleCry" campaign. Rhetorically, BattleCry is the most militant Christian youth crusade I know of in American history, but in the lives of the kids involved, it's as absurd as it is angry. Consider, for instance, the pledges BattleCry kids sign to give up "secularism" in any form it appears to them, including sex, music, non-Christian friends, "medication," and, in the case of one confused young man, "A&W Root Beer," a wholesome beverage, he believes, sadly corrupted by worldliness. The video's worth checking out; if Rolling Stone doesn't post the whole story, I'll post it here next week.

Jeff Sharlet: Rolling Stone has posted online the opening section of my latest feature, “Teenage Holy War,” along with video of its subject, evangelist Ron Luce’s “BattleCry” campaign. Rhetorically, BattleCry is the most militant Christian youth crusade I know of in American history, but in the lives of the kids involved, it’s as absurd as it is angry. Consider, for instance, the pledges BattleCry kids sign to give up “secularism” in any form it appears to them, including sex, music, non-Christian friends, “medication,” and, in the case of one confused young man, “A&W Root Beer,” a wholesome beverage, he believes, sadly corrupted by worldliness. The video’s worth checking out; if Rolling Stone doesn’t post the whole story, I’ll post it here next week.

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