Dismiss The Subverters "El Pronto"

Published on October 13, 2006

Greenfield: Max Blumenthal’s most recent illuminating report in the Nation focuses on a conservative Christian solution to the Foley problem — fire all gay Republican staffers. Don Wildmon, founder and chariman of the American Family Association, is convinced that a secret clique of gay Congressional staffers covered up Foley’s misconduct. “I’m beginning to think that […]

Greenfield: Max Blumenthal’s most recent illuminating report in the Nation focuses on a conservative Christian solution to the Foley problem — fire all gay Republican staffers. Don Wildmon, founder and chariman of the American Family Association, is convinced that a secret clique of gay Congressional staffers covered up Foley’s misconduct. “I’m beginning to think that the homosexuals shielded their former Congressman Foley and that Denny Hastert did not know the depth of what’s going on up there,” he says. “There should be no organization among staffers in Washington of that nature, and if they find out that they’re there and they’re a member, they oughtta be dismissed el pronto.”

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