Europe and Her Enemies

April 23, 2007
It’s time for the West to recognize that it is engaged in a clash of civilizations. Europe, the source...

Big Leagues

April 16, 2007
Former Revealer contributor(here, here, and here) and NYU journalism grad student Elizabeth Rich makes her Washington Post debut. It’s...

Ira Glass, Televangelist

April 12, 2007
The New Yorker‘s TV critic, Nancy Franklin, thinks NPR’s “This American Life” annoys her because host Ira Glass sticks...

Rapture and Rose MacGowan

April 9, 2007
Sharlet: Bob Garfield and I discuss jihadi rhetoric, mole tactics, naked Rose MacGowan, and how it all relates to...

Time's Bad Religion

April 9, 2007
Sharlet: I disagree with blogger Bruce Wilson‘s assesment of David Van Biema‘s Time cover story on teaching Bible-as-literature in...

Ethiopia's Ghosts

April 9, 2007
There’s a ghost of a religion story in The New York Times‘ report on a North Korean arms deal...

"Blog Against Theocracy"

April 7, 2007
Talk 2 Action is joining with blogger Blue Gal to co-sponsor a “blogswarm” to “Blog Against Theocracy” over Easter...

Bible Time

April 2, 2007
David Van Biema‘s latest Time cover story, “The Case for Teaching the Bible,” isn’t so much a report as...

Thanks for Lying

March 22, 2007
Obama’s powerhouse pastor, Jeremiah Wright, talks back to The New York Times‘ Jodi Kantor: “Thank you for engaging in...

Hanging Ramadan

March 22, 2007
Patrick Cockburn in Kirkuk adds frightening context to the mainstream media reports on Tuesday’s execution of Saddam’s VP, Taha...

NYT: Lenin Gay? Wink, Wink

March 19, 2007
“When he thunders his dogma,” wrote the cartoonist Robert Minor in 1918, “one sees the fighting Lenin. He is...

Captain America, Murdered Mensch

March 11, 2007
WNYC’s “On the Media” interviews Captain America’s 93-year-old creator, Joe Simon, who’s sitting shiva for the <a href="murdered hero....

Switching for Success

March 11, 2007
The press is portraying Mitt Romney as an opportunistic flip-flopper for his newly-minted anti-abortion views, and pundits wonder if...

Follow the Golf Ball

March 8, 2007
If you can’t follow the money, take a tour of the real estate. That’s what Joe Feuerherd did when...

Religion As Race

March 6, 2007
Perhaps American anxieties over the possibility of a black president are being played out not through discussion of race,...

Does Obama Hate Yiddish?

March 6, 2007
Four questions about today’s report on growing tensions over Obama’s disinvitation of his pastor from his presidential announcement. 1....

Whose Bones?

March 4, 2007
Jesus’ bones? Whatever. Peter Manseau is talking about your bones and the mysteries of faith on the Long Island...

Religious Literacy

March 4, 2007
It’s a credit to our friend Steve Prothero’s new book, Religious Literacy, an exploration of the subject and argument...

Ah, Just Don't F*ck With Anybody

March 2, 2007
Harper’s has just posted the first part of investigative reporter Ken Silverstein‘s March cover story, “Parties of God: The...

"Don't f*ck with the Jews"

March 1, 2007
Sharlet: John Derbyshire, of The National Review, on lessons for young pundits: “Almost the first thing you hear from...

Moral Piggy-Backing

March 1, 2007
At Talk2Action, an activist-oriented news site about the Christian Right, The Revealer’s Kathryn Joyce examines the Christian Right’s “moral...

Tune In, Turn On

March 1, 2007
Sharlet: Maybe it’s not money that corrupts, it’s media. Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Paul Crouch and his Trinity Broadcasting...

Great Minds

February 26, 2007
Declassified! Henry Kissinger and Kirk Douglas discuss God and hot girls.

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