The Haggard's Tale

November 3, 2006
Sharlet: The Ted Haggard confessions continue. Haggard, the former president of the National Association of Evangelicals, now admits to...

God's Entourage

October 26, 2006
Christina Huh: An LA Times report on the latest spiritual development in Hollywood offers no trendy red bracelets, no...

Islamic Studies Study

October 25, 2006
Greenfield: A report published today that examined 55 higher education departments and centers in Britain that offer courses in...


October 25, 2006
Greenfield: Adam Garfinkle, editor of The American Interest, on Jewcentricity, how it works in the media, and what it...

Relics For Sale

October 25, 2006
Greenfield: The Los Angeles-based International Crusade for Holy Relics (ICHR), an independent group of Christians, is calling for a...

Absolute Nonsense

October 24, 2006
Greenfield: The mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, says the debate over whether Muslim women wearing veils has parallels with...

I Have To Confess...

October 19, 2006
Greenfield: “I have to confess, I was going through a nervous breakdown. I was taking pills — tranquilizers. I...

Hot Topic

October 18, 2006
Greenfield: Islam continues to be a hot topic in England. Tony Blair backs Jack Straw in the “mark of...

A New Media Darling?

October 18, 2006
Greenfield: Mother Jones recently published an article on eccentric preacher K.A. Paul and his meeting with House Speaker Dennis...

Dawkins' Child Rearing Advice

October 16, 2006
Christina Huh: To Richard Dawkins, the most dangerous people are not fundamentalists, but religious moderates who raise children to...

Divine Intervention

October 14, 2006
Greenfield: Think Progress has a link to a new kind of political ad. Created by Stop 42, a Colorado...

Apple Mecca

October 14, 2006
Greenfield: The Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in NYC is a “blatant insult to Islam,” according to an unspecified...

Dismiss The Subverters "El Pronto"

October 13, 2006
Greenfield: Max Blumenthal’s most recent illuminating report in the Nation focuses on a conservative Christian solution to the Foley...

Jews Gone Wild

October 12, 2006
Greenfield: According to Jerusalem Post Op-Ed contributor and American Orthodox rabbi Shmuley Boteach, American yeshiva students in Israel for...

Radio France

October 10, 2006
Ecoutez! Revealer’s Jeff Sharlet in a radio documentary about creationism in America, on “France Culture,” a program of Radio...

The Gospel According to Stevie B.

October 9, 2006
Greenfield: Lauren Sandler, author of Righteous: Dispatches from the Evangelical Youth Movement, has an excellent profile of the Gospel-preaching...

The Four Percent Doctrine

October 7, 2006
Greenfield: Alternet‘s Evan Derkacz had a unique response to yesterday’s New York Times piece on evangelical pastors’ fear “that...

Spirit and Power

October 6, 2006
Greenfield: The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has published a report on Pentecostalism and other charismatic movements...

The Gospel of Green

October 4, 2006
Greenfield: “For Americans, this has been the year the earth turned biblical. Pharaoh may have faced plagues and frogs...

Pandering to Dobson

September 27, 2006
Greenfield: Max Blumenthal’s account of this year’s Value Voters Summit includes a red-faced George Allen, “The Four Horsemen,” and...

"Scary" Evangelicals

September 26, 2006
Greenfield: Ted Haggard condemns Jesus Camp, saying it makes evangelicals look “scary” and that “the filmmakers take the charismatic,...

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