Daily Links: Apocalypse Edition

October 20, 2011
Click right over to Mary Valle's latest at Killing the Buddha on "A Kinder, Gentler Apocalypse."  Of the...

I Like My Guns and My Bible

October 20, 2011
Amy Levin: From suggesting that his tax code is modeled on Sim City 4, to the new twitter...

Scenes From an Occupation

October 16, 2011
Nora Connor spent the wee hours of Friday morning in Zucotti Park, waiting for Bloomberg to evict the Occupy...

No speaking for you!

October 12, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom: Richard Dawkins – evolutionary biologist, author and outspoken critic of religion – has been banned...

Meet Me In New Jersey

October 11, 2011
Tomorrow I'll be giving the Humanities Forum talk at Stevens Institue of Technology.  You should come by.  "How...

In Praise of Capital

October 6, 2011
Amy Levin:  Marching down Lafayette yesterday, surrounded by hundreds of #occupywallstreet protesters, I experienced what many in my shoes...

Hello Daily Links

October 6, 2011
Whattayaknow?! Mormons handle money differently than the rest of us. Same with the Mennonites, and the Jews. Is the...

God is in the Games

October 5, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom: As I made clear in a previous post, I am not a gamer nor techie nor...

Abbey Sweet Abbey

October 5, 2011
Mary Valle: Via Elizabeth Castelli, here's a look at a mostly-gutted, vacant and ready-for-finishin' disused Anglican convent. Apparently...

For Those About to Gouge

October 3, 2011
Mary Valle:Via Gawker, here's a report on a man who gouged his eyes out in the middle of...

Daily Links

September 29, 2011
Our very own Jo Piazza writes for the Wall Street Journal this week about how one New York synagogue...

Discount Jesus

September 29, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom: Jesus saves but maybe he shouldn't sell. At least, not cell phones. And especially not during Easter. The

Apostasy in Any Other Country

September 28, 2011
Abby Ohlheiser: Something we're keeping an eye on: Christian Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who faces death for the crime...

Our Daily Links, Rant Edition

September 25, 2011
If you're in New York, you should be making plans to visit the #occupywallstreet folks.  They're being slandered

Free Father Frank

September 25, 2011

September 22, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom and Amy Levin:  A man was murdered last night.

Inferiority Complexes

August 21, 2011
From "Fundamentalism Spring Eternal for GOP," at Washington Post by The Revealer founding editor, Jeff Sharlet: Social conservatives, particularly of...

Moses, Making Introductions

August 18, 2011
Ashley Baxstrom:  Are you on Facebook? Do you like games? Are you a fan of Biblical lore? It’s your...

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