Cartoon Controversies Lite

February 27, 2006
27 February 2006 When the (cartoon) image is of Jesus, well, then it’s not quite the same issue, there...

Moses and Awards Season

February 27, 2006
27 February 2006 There are just six shipping days left before the Oscars to show Hollywood what you think...

Liberal Media v. Liberal Media

February 27, 2006
27 February 2006 AP religion writer Richard N. Ostling continues to do his part to dismantle the secular/liberal-media myth...

The FDA's Plan B

February 27, 2006
27 February 2006 The Washington Post reports that more than 60 bills concerning “Plan B” emergency contraception have been...

Love Your Mother

February 24, 2006
24 February 2006 Love your mother: Church of England Bishop of Bolton, the Rt. Rev. David Gillett, has called...

California Communion

February 24, 2006
24 February 2006 On the Episcopal Diocese of California’s short-list for bishop are two openly-gay priests, the Rev. Bonnie...

The Deathtoll

February 24, 2006
24 February 2006 After the anti-Mohammad-cartoon riots in Nigeria turned into an ugly mob attack by Muslims on Christian communities and...

The Spotless Mind of the Assassin

February 22, 2006
22 February 2006 Religion-beat implosion. Robert Ferrigno, author of the newest in apoco-fiction, Prayers for the Assassin — a novel depicting...

Islam Is the West

February 20, 2006
20 February 2006 Why the “Clash of Civilizations” is the wrong way to approach the cartoon controversy. By S....


February 20, 2006
20 February 2006 What would Buddha do about unflattering cartoons? Practice non-attachment? Hope that the cartoonist is sent to...

Biblical Objectivity

February 20, 2006
20 February 2006 Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of the evangelical World Magazine and author of Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias of the American...

Hollywood Houses of God

February 17, 2006
17 February 2006 When is a house of God a by-the-books house of worship? A federal lawsuit brought by the...

Season's Ratings

February 17, 2006
17 February 2006 XXtreme Religion Reporting!! For anyone who thinks Christianity is most comprehensively represented by a Scottish Geraldo...

Christian Iran

February 17, 2006
17 February 2006 The Church of England Newspaper investigates reports of abuses of Iranian Christians, who have lately been subject...

Cal Thomas's Revelations

February 16, 2006
16 February 2006 When it comes to evangelical activism about the environment, vastly syndicated columnist and Fox News host,...

Church of Scouting

February 16, 2006
16 February 2006 An appellate court case in California is currently underway to determine whether the Boy Scouts of...

33 11

February 16, 2006
16 February 2006 “When they finally executed Gacy, I must admit to totally losing it for several weeks both...

Wall Street Shamans

February 13, 2006
13 February 2006 The Washington Post’s Laura Blumenfeld visits a New York CEO-turned Virgin Islands shaman and finds a crowd...

Old Time Evolution

February 13, 2006
13 February 2006 As far as media coverage and attracting the invaluable ire of one’s opponents is concerned,Evolution Sunday was...

Air Force Friends

February 13, 2006
13 February 2006 What’s the proper balance between the two constitutional references to church-state relations? If you ask Ted...

Disowning Fred Phelps

February 9, 2006
09 February 2006 As military families and those seeking to curry their favor gear up to fight the attention-starved...

EU Press Code

February 9, 2006
09 February 2006 The E.U. commissioner for justice, freedom and security, Franco Frattini, yesterday announced plans for a media code...

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