Please Destroy After Reading

May 9, 2008
Sharlet: Jonathan Schwarz at A Tiny Revolution makes a connection between the secrecy of The Family the subject...

Crossing the Line

April 30, 2008
Rob Boston, church/state separation activist and writer, caught a recent episode of Christian Right leader Janet Folger's "Faith2Action" radio...

Mormon "Genocide"?

April 29, 2008
The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has created a blog, Captive FLDS, to...

Atheism Backlash, Part Two

April 23, 2008
Given that atheism's most visible champions are three smart boy writers -- Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins...

FundamentaList Faultlines

April 21, 2008
Nobody's doing a better job than The American Prospect's Sarah Posner at tracking the fault lines splitting the old...

Blasphemous Lollipop

April 17, 2008
Jeff Sharlet: Daniel Radosh sucks one in this Bloggingheads "diavlog" -- a video blog conversation Daniel and I had...

Christian Candidate Quiz Bowl

March 6, 2008
Fundamentalism loses its sway, even as politicians profess their faith. Let's ask them: how does God guide you, exactly?

Only Visiting This Planet

March 4, 2008
Christian rocker Larry Norman moves on. By S. Brent Plate: The first album I ever bought was Larry Norman's Only...

My Bible, My Buffalo

February 22, 2008
Brett Grainger's Plymouth Brethren family revered manual labor and looked on books other than the Bible with mild...

Don't Make the South Rise Again

February 20, 2008
Jeff Sharlet: One of the best magazines around, Oxford American -- a glossy quarterly dedicated to writing about the...

The Party Faithful

February 19, 2008
Amy Sullivan is one of the most thoughtful champion of "faith-based Democrats," a growing wing of the party that...

Prophets of Moderation

February 15, 2008
Diane Winston likes The Atlantic's new religion issue. (Worst coverline ever: "Which Religion Will Win?") We do, too,...

Missing: The "Right" Babies

February 15, 2008
Christian conservatives predict a looming catastrophe as birthrates fall in Europe and Muslim immigration rises. Kathryn Joyce reports.

Gimme Shelter

February 8, 2008
"Gimme Shelter," Sasha Abramsky's report in The Nation on the "New Sanctuary Movement" -- a formalized network of houses...

Religion Dispatches

February 7, 2008
New on the gods beat: Religion Dispatches, created by two religious studies scholars, Gary Laderman of Emory and...

Let There Be Light Crude

February 4, 2008
Lest anyone accuse Paul Thomas Anderson of going over the top in his juxtaposition of God and oil in...

The Party Faithful

February 4, 2008
Amy Sullivan, "Nation" editor for Time and a friend of The Revealer, is coming out with her first book,...

The Washington Independent

January 28, 2008
Leftist bloggers call the brand-new Washington Independent a "progressive Politico," but from day one (or month one, anyway; the...

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