Traditionally Republican Themes

February 10, 2005
The LA Times reports that Dem Bob Hertzberg is running for mayor of the city on “traditionally Republican themes.” And...

The Menstrual Technique

February 10, 2005
The Washington Post follows AP’s lead a week late in reporting on sexual interrogation tactics used at Guantanomo to religiously...

What's a Nice Jewish Girl to Do?

February 10, 2005
“How a beautiful, artistic, well-to-do Jewish girl became, by turns, a hippie and still later a fundamentalist Christian makes...

Evil Preachers Are Scary

February 6, 2005
“In the Hollywood representational rubric,” writes New Pantagruelist Patton Dodd(also, we’re proud to say, a Buddha Killer and a Revealer) “evangelical characters are...

Dude, We're So Hosed

February 6, 2005
The website of Prayer Breakfast Network, a group dedicated to replicating the National Prayer Breakfast in cities across the...

It's Good to Be Rich

February 6, 2005
“For years [British] churches criticised Conservative governments and Baroness Thatcher. Now their views more closely reflect her famous comment...

Book of Zogg

February 4, 2005
Jason Yungbluth updates My Little Golden Book About God.


February 4, 2005
The evangelical magazine Christianity Today has made a list of the “10 most redeeming films of the year. Most surprising redeemer? Spiderman...

ABC Panders

February 4, 2005
FAIR, a liberal media criticism group, calls our attention to a segment on alleged liberal censorship of conservative ideas...

NY Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

February 4, 2005
In a 62-page decision issued this morning in New York City, State Supreme Court Justice Doris Ling-Cohan said that...

Jesus Christ, Supermodel

February 4, 2005
Milan has banned a poster ad campaign put out by the French fashion company, Marithé and François Girbaud, featuring...

Absolute Doubt

February 4, 2005
Jay Rosen‘s Pressthink features an interesting discussion about a recent New York Times article on some Iraqi bloggers. There was nothing religious...

The End of the Story

February 4, 2005
It’s like a parody of Philip Roth. Wendy Shalit’s sister, Ruth, made a brief career of looking cute and...

We Bring You Free Movies

February 3, 2005
New York readers: Friday, Feb. 4, The Center for Religion and Media (publisher of The Revealer) presents a free screening...

Hefley's Lost Crusade

February 3, 2005
There’s a ghost of a religion story in the news that House Republican leaders have booted ethics chair Rep. Joel Hefley...

Spiritual Cold War

February 3, 2005
The North Korean secret police “cannot staunch the word of the gospel,” writes The Times‘ Michael Sheridan. “Two of our...

W.: What About God?

February 3, 2005
The Revealer‘s normal modus operandi is to say: Didja see that? Religion! In the secular news! We’re always on...

Professor All-Things

February 1, 2005
Scott Mclemee, the last public intellectual standing, has jumped ship from The Chronicle of Higher Ed to Inside Higher Ed, a new...

Sonogram Religion

February 1, 2005
Religious media: James Dobson’s evangelical Focus on the Family “has budgeted $4.2 million in the current fiscal year for...

Some Revelation's at Hand?

February 1, 2005
Last week The Christian Century reported that the Church of the Brethren, a pacifist church which has historically opposed military service,...

Iraq, Heaven on Earth

February 1, 2005
“Iraq was going to change all that. In one place on Earth, the theory would finally be put into...

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