Cal Thomas's Revelations

Published on February 16, 2006

16 February 2006 When it comes to evangelical activism about the environment, vastly syndicated columnist and Fox News host, Cal Thomas, counsels his fellow Christians to keep their politics in their pants — err, their hearts — and to not mind the mandates of any “committees,” but only those of Jesus himself, nor require any external “cause” […]

16 February 2006

When it comes to evangelical activism about the environment, vastly syndicated columnist and Fox News host, Cal Thomas, counsels his fellow Christians to keep their politics in their pants — err, their hearts — and to not mind the mandates of any “committees,” but only those of Jesus himself, nor require any external “cause” than their Great Commission to evangelize the world. Apparently aware of some loophole whereby his own political efforts for the cause(s) are exempt, Thomas asks: “What is it with evangelical Christians that so many of them need a cause beyond the commission they’ve been given?” What is it? Well, Thomas answered himself several months ago: it’s probably Satan.

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