
May 3, 2005
Jeff Sharlet: The Revealer will be taking a short break from blogging for a few weeks, but we’ll continue...

Bible Studies

May 2, 2005
Bartholomew reads Agape Press so you don’t have to, and returns to the world with news of the weird...

Join the Rebellion

April 29, 2005
Are you unhappy with traditional religion, but feel a desire for spiritual adventure, full of danger, intrigue and untamed...

Christianizing History

April 29, 2005
The UPI reports on the statuary surrounding the Belgorod, Russia site of the 1943 Battle of Kursk, where 600,000...

The Way of the Cross and Abu Ghraib

April 29, 2005
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in East Norwalk, Connecticut, has installed controversial new Stations of the Cross that include paintings...

American Aquarium Drinker

April 28, 2005
Drunk on pop-culture holiness, it’s easy to forget the nation’s first noble truth: America is not a religious metaphor....

Brother Mario

April 28, 2005
“The second challenge is to reassess the alterable rules made for us by the male descendants of Peter who...

Alaska Christian

April 28, 2005
Doug Lederman of Inside Higher Ed reports on the lawsuit brought by the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation against...

Of Human Stains

April 28, 2005
Kate Hawley: When a salt stain on the wall of a Chicago underpass began to gain credence as miraculous...

It's Not What It Looks Like..

April 27, 2005
Speaking at an American Studies conference about “Politics and Religion in USA” at an Islamabad university, Deputy Chief of...

Human Capital

April 27, 2005
What’s been missing from the Social Security debate? A good scapegoat (the AARP won’t do anymore; sorry USA Next),...

It's Not What It Looks Like...

April 27, 2005
Speaking at an American Studies conference about “Politics and Religion in USA” at an Islamabad university, Deputy Chief of...

Jews for Christians

April 27, 2005
Religion & Society points to for a story on the new group, “Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation” (JAACD), which...

F.O.R. (Friend of Ratzinger)

April 26, 2005
26 April 2005 “God becoming man! I can only laugh at the arrogance of men — males –to shrink...

Beitar Illit Athletic Foundation

April 26, 2005
More Jack Abramoff fallout: The Republican “superlobbyist” who keeps popping up in unfortunate poses ever since Tom DeLay’s fundraising...

Trinity Students Return

April 26, 2005
Minority students at Trinity International University in Illinois returned to classes on Monday, a week after 43 of the...

Everybody Plays the Fool

April 26, 2005
Could it be, Hillary Clinton, not meaning what she said? Attempting to crassly manipulate voters with lukewarm appeals to...

Justice Revisited

April 26, 2005
Kate Hawley: Two days after "Justice Sunday," the reviews are in: the Church telecast starring Senate Majority Leader Bill...


April 26, 2005
A new nationwide survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League has found that 14% of adult Americans hold hard-core anti-Semitic...

Radio On

April 25, 2005
Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet discusses his cover story from the May issue of Harper’s, “Soldiers of Christ: Inside America’s Most Powerful Megachurch,” tonight...

White-Hot Brother Love

April 25, 2005
25 April 2005 The Revealer‘s Jeff Sharlet on using sex as a weapon, at Nerve: “Take, for example, God’s Gift to Women (the title...

The Iwo Jima Option

April 25, 2005
While Bill Frist’s video appearance on yesterday’s “Justice Sunday” telecast is earning him rebukes aplenty, he does have one...

Passover Gorillas

April 25, 2005
Gorillas in Israel kept kosher this Passover: with zookeepers and handlers unable to handle leavened bread, the gorillas and...

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