White-Hot Brother Love

Published on April 25, 2005

25 April 2005 The Revealer‘s Jeff Sharlet on using sex as a weapon, at Nerve: “Take, for example, God’s Gift to Women (the title of a manliness guide for young men), male ‘headship’ of the American family. Women can’t get enough of good headship, but a man must be careful; a woman’s hunger for his headship may lead him to […]

25 April 2005

The Revealer‘s Jeff Sharlet on using sex as a weapon, at Nerve: “Take, for example, God’s Gift to Women (the title of a manliness guide for young men), male ‘headship’ of the American family. Women can’t get enough of good headship, but a man must be careful; a woman’s hunger for his headship may lead him to abuse its potency through the sin of anger. A few years ago, I learned in an evangelical magazine what to do in such a situation: push your anger down and store it inside your heart, where Jesus will work it over it until it is ready to be ‘released,’ transformed into ‘white-hot brother love…'”

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