Amish Revolt

April 29, 2004
The Amish know that photographs steal your soul.

Who Killed Pat Tillman?

April 29, 2004
As far as we can tell, New York Press columnist Matt Taibbi doesn’t give a damn about religion. But that doesn’t stop him...

Iraq for Hire

April 29, 2004
Also new today: “Who Killed Pat Tillman?” AP just reported that the U.S. has a new plan for subduing Fallujah — hire...

Secular Confessions

April 28, 2004
Revealer contributor Scott Korb confesses reservations about an online confessional:   Mitzi Confesses (The Wedding March, 1928) is black and white, simple,...

Religion News from Iraq

April 26, 2004
A daily collage of religion news from the war in Iraq. Also new today on The Revealer: Atrios & the “Liberalish”...


April 26, 2004
by Michael Lesy Military Coffins (Photo: the Pentagon, via The Memory Hole) Everyone thinks they know what they see here....

Better than Mudwrestling

April 24, 2004
“It is easy to think of Vatican II, which convened during Armstrong’s convent years, as a switch that was...

The Invention of Journalism

April 23, 2004
“Junior used to say he liked to live in hotels because he was a son of Englishmen. When he...

Political Hondurassment

April 22, 2004
  John Negroponte at the Prayer Service for the United Nations Community, 10-9-01 (Photo Orthodox Church in America) Here...

Who's a Jew?

April 21, 2004
Not Kimya Zahedi, a Muslim Iranian-American, orTaylor Lasley, a Presbyterian African-American. AndClark Buden, great-grandson of Nelson Rockefeller, sure isn’t a M.O.T., regardless...

One Wicca, Two Wicca, Three...

April 21, 2004
“The notion that Wicca is America’s fastest-growing religion has achieved meme status. Everyone says it, but who started it?” Chas...

The Rise of Religious Studies

April 20, 2004
Last week Raymond McInnis, a columnist for Daily News Online, responded to a Revealer post by asking: “Why, currently, do I –as a secular humanist...

"Not This Way"

April 20, 2004
A daily collage of of religion news from the war in Iraq. Also new on The Revealer today: The Rise of Religious...

A Pigroast in Cordoba

April 19, 2004
A short report in last week’s Financial Times (subscriber only; click on #42 here to sign up for a free trial) describes one...

Welcome to Godsend

April 17, 2004
Revealer associate editor Kathryn Joyce writes: In the title story of his collection, Welcome to the Monkey House, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.tells us what all...

Belief Unbracketed

April 16, 2004
At last — a manifesto! We wish we’d written it ourselves, but, failing that, we’re glad it came from...

Do You Believe in Blog?

April 15, 2004
Two days to Bloggercon, the open conference on weblogs convened by Dave Winer, a blog innovator and a fellow at the...

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