Rudy, Christ

January 19, 2008
If Giuliani pulls off a miracle and wins Florida, the press will pay attention to “America’s [self-proclaimed] mayor” again....

The Martyrdom of Brad Will

January 19, 2008
Sharlet: The CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective has posted my new Rolling Stone story on their fallen friend, Brad Will,...

Cafeteria Catholicism

January 18, 2008
"It reminds me of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages, when we had indulgences." -- Republican leader John...

Pity the Man

January 18, 2008
Are you a “postabortive man”? Or are you puzzled by the term? Sarah Blustain diagnoses the anti-abortion movement’s latest...

Religion and Real Estate

January 17, 2008
The Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre trades as much on the glory of the stars who stayed there when...

Huck's Old Wine

January 16, 2008
How Huckabee repackages old-timey fundamentalism. By Jeff Sharlet D. Michael Lindsay, the Rice University sociologist who upended conventional wisdom about...

Huck's Constitution

January 15, 2008
Huckabee, yesterday: “I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe...

Huck's Melody

January 15, 2008
Mike Huckabee, says NYT’s David Kirkpatrick, is like the melody and the harmony of evangelicalism. The Revealer often disagrees...

Faith-Based Candidates

January 14, 2008
Will the uneasy merger of church and state known as faith-based initiatives survive into the next administration? A Pew...

The Democratic Black Church

January 14, 2008
Chicago Dyke, of the group blog Corrente, warns that the Democratic courtship of religious voters — and, in South Carolina, black...

Count 'Em

January 13, 2008
After Obama's win in Iowa, we waited eagerly for the poll numbers revealing the depth of his white evangelical...

Huck's Army

January 13, 2008
Last week we criticized the NYT’s reliance on evangelical VIPs for its “insight” into Huckabee, so it’s only fair...

Huckabee Makes the NYT Nervous

January 4, 2008
The NYT’s explanation for why Huck won Iowa is a perfect example of what many evangelicals are talking about...

Jon Stewart's Brave New World

January 4, 2008
In which The Daily Show host discusses Aldous Huxley, Eugene V. Debs, Ralph Nader, and his faith in the...

Holy Iowa!

January 3, 2008
If the Iowa results prove anything, it's that religion isn't leaving the public square when W. rides home to...

Fear of a Huck Planet

January 3, 2008
The NYT’s Timothy Egan gives a succinct summation of the Republican fear of a Huck planet: “It’s okay to have...

Pentecostalism for the Exurbs

January 2, 2008
The Revealer is back -- almost. While you wait, read the latest from Chris Lehmann, "Pentecostalism for the...

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