Missing: The "Right" Babies

February 15, 2008
Christian conservatives predict a looming catastrophe as birthrates fall in Europe and Muslim immigration rises. Kathryn Joyce reports.

Orgone Sounds Like?

February 14, 2008
If you happen to be in Vienna and in need of... stimulation, you'll want to visit Jewish Museum of...

Bishop Who?

February 14, 2008
Last September we noted the death of D. James Kennedy, a leader of Christian conservatism in America. More important...

Survey Says: Evangelical Democrats!

February 13, 2008
Smart religion writers have been complaining for awhile that exit polls don't ask Democratic voters about their religious affiliations....

Save "Spiral Jetty"!

February 13, 2008
The artist Robert Smithson died in 1973 when a small plane malfunctioned while he was filming his masterpiece, "Spiral...

Profit Mel

February 13, 2008
Somebody should have told Mel Gibson that he was supposed to share the 30 pieces of silver.

Hip Christians, pt. 345,678

February 10, 2008
Neela Banerjee on the new, wild and crazy Bible graphic novel. This time it’s manga, which has another precedent,...

God is a Monster

February 9, 2008
Gabriel McKee on sin and redemption in Cloverfield. The Revealer editors were reminded by a recent viewing of...

Huckabee Pecans

February 9, 2008
Huckabee is Paulie Walnuts to John McCain’s Tony Soprano, says Dan Schur in today’s NYT, responsible for kneecapping Romney...

Gimme Shelter

February 8, 2008
"Gimme Shelter," Sasha Abramsky's report in The Nation on the "New Sanctuary Movement" -- a formalized network of houses...

Eat, Pray, Loathe

February 7, 2008
Jewcy's Izzy Grinspan may be overly-optimistic in reporting a backlash against Elizabeth Gilbert's spiritually infantile Eat, Pray, Love, but...

Religion Dispatches

February 7, 2008
New on the gods beat: Religion Dispatches, created by two religious studies scholars, Gary Laderman of Emory and...

Let There Be Light Crude

February 4, 2008
Lest anyone accuse Paul Thomas Anderson of going over the top in his juxtaposition of God and oil in...

The Myth That Ate Itself

February 4, 2008
Revealer contributing editor S. Brent Plate is evidently saving his best stuff for the all-new Religion Dispatches, where he...

The Party Faithful

February 4, 2008
Amy Sullivan, "Nation" editor for Time and a friend of The Revealer, is coming out with her first book,...

Praying With Lior

February 4, 2008
The Jewish Week calls attention to Lior Liebling, 12-year-old Jewish "spiritual genius," and a new documentary about his...

Why Did the Press Get Huck Wrong?

February 3, 2008
Harvard’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism runs a website called Nieman Watchdog that bills itself as revealing the “Questions the...

The New Monasticism

January 28, 2008
“Church is not something we attend,” says Jake Neufeld, part of a “new monastic” movement in evangelicalism, “it’s something...

The Washington Independent

January 28, 2008
Leftist bloggers call the brand-new Washington Independent a "progressive Politico," but from day one (or month one, anyway; the...

The Sodfather

January 28, 2008
"I'm here to capture the rapture and the resurrection," says master composter Tim Dundon, self-proclaimed "guru of doo-doo," in...

The Martyrdom of Brad Will

January 21, 2008
He was an anarchist and an independent journalist who went to Mexico to document revolution -- and ended up...

There Will Be Oil

January 20, 2008
Stuart Klawans identifies the plot twist that makes There Will Be Blood seem both relevant to the present moment...

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