What's So Secret About Islam?

September 23, 2005
By Vanessa Larson In August, U.S. News and World Report put out a “Collector’s Edition” called “Secrets of Islam:...

Xian Ed 101: How to Eat Spotted Owl

September 22, 2005
“When asked how they heard about Summit [Christian defense workshops for college students], several students can’t remember. ‘Everyone knows...

Our New Deal

September 20, 2005
This past summer, I announced that The Revealer‘s foundation funding had come to an end. But that doesn’t mark...

Other New Orleans

September 19, 2005
New Orleans may be a city “where old-time religion and voodoo converge,” as the NYT’s Michael Brick puts it,...

Katrina Coverage Brown-Out

September 19, 2005
White “finds.” Black “loots.” Brown hides beneath church pews. Too bad the press isn’t looking. By Marissa Kantor Mainstream...

Narrative Gerrymandering

September 19, 2005
Tony Perkins of the Christian conservative Family Research Council targets NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg — usually of little concern...

Lights Out

September 16, 2005
New Orleans: Let there be light! Or not.

Play It Again, Sam

September 14, 2005
A federal judge in Sacramento ruled Wednesday (9/14) that the phrase “under God” makes the recitation of the Pledge...

No Dating, No Context

September 14, 2005
Zain Shauk writes: In describing a Muslim father’s concerns about his daughters’ virtue, Robert King of the Indianapolis Star writes, “the Abdur-Rahmans have not...

Onward, Penguin Soldiers

September 14, 2005
Sharlet: On the one hand, there’s something thuggish about attempts by some religious conservative media bigs to press penguins...

Mormon "Cinema"

September 14, 2005
Sean P. Means dutifully lines up to do a Christians-in-Hollywood piece for the Salt Lake Tribune, appropriately about “Mormon...

No Dating, No Contest

September 14, 2005
Zain Shauk writes: In describing a Muslim father’s concerns about his daughters’ virtue, Robert King of the Indianapolis Star...

Play It Again, Sam

September 14, 2005
A federal judge in Sacramento ruled Wednesday (9/14) that the phrase “under God” makes the recitation of the Pledge...

Teaching a Disaster

September 12, 2005
The Revealer has very rarely received as much mail as we did in response to Anthea Butler‘s response to...

Holy Hurting

September 11, 2005
The religious art of a junkie named Mike, as seen by photographer Jessica Dimmock. Theologian Ariel Glucklich on sacred...

His Dark Widow's Peak

September 11, 2005
Moktada al-Sadr‘s “beard reaches up his cheeks and a dark widow’s peak points down from beneath his own black...

Heavens Above! (Politics Below)

September 11, 2005
Nick Street asks why Christian conservative media is so literally down to earth. Does Pat Robertson dig the Hubble...

This Should Have Been News

September 10, 2005
A leader of the nation’s largest evangelical organization sharply chastises Bush for his failure to act in a crisis...

Church Instead-Of-State

September 8, 2005
The Family Research Council — heir to the Christian Coalition as Washington’s most effective Christian Right political organization —...

Cracking the Code's Controversy?

September 8, 2005
Nellie Day: Kentucky’s Messenger-Inquirer, like many other American papers, tries to present an unbiased look at the soon-to-be film...

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