The Cult of Gaga

May 17, 2011
Jo Piazza: If you have any doubt that Lady Gaga has cultivated both an aura of the sacred and a near...

His Holiness in Newark

May 13, 2011
Our very own Jo Piazza writes for the WSJ on the Dalai Lama's visit to New Jersey for...

The Chinese Church

May 13, 2011
The Christian Century reports that China's Minister of State Administration for Religious Affairs, Wang Zuo'an, is in...

We Were Born This Way

May 13, 2011
Is it really any surprise that religion's not going away?  It can't because we're born with it.  So says...

Wiesenfeld's Obsessions

May 13, 2011
Examine what is said, not him who speaks. - Arab Proverb According to The Forward, it's tough times for...

Never "Pro-Life" Enough

May 12, 2011
A Canadian Catholic priest, who says he left parliament under pressure from the Vatican, is suing the anti-choice, anti-contraception,...


May 12, 2011
Our very favorite story these days is the one about how, you know, those religious people -- the pope,...

Violence and Memory

May 12, 2011
Getting the man is almost mythological. by David Morgan Late one night the President of the United States suddenly appears on...

Gender Caricatures

May 12, 2011
How are ideas of masculinity created and enforced?  Are the political and Christian right less tolerant of a spectrum...

Perverse Irony of the War on Terror

May 2, 2011
From Matthieu Aikins at Foreign Policy Magazine: Indeed, the Global War on Terror has illustrated the troubling contradictions that...

Tough on Terrorism

May 2, 2011
Howard Fineman gets off on the new military brute, brain and brawn of Democrats: "By calmly and meticulously overseeing...

Osama Bin Laden, Dead

May 2, 2011
Typing this, I hesitate.  Is this a mere death?  An assassination?  A murder?  And if not the latter, why...

John Paul II Beatified Today

May 1, 2011
Pope John Paul II, who's been placed on the fast track to sainthood, was beatified in Rome today, before...

Journalism's Nowhere

May 1, 2011
Jay Rosen at PressThink on the things he's learned in 25 years of teaching journalism: It’s Bill Keller 

Authentic American Citizenship

April 29, 2011
Consider these two news bits from last week alongside the continuing denial of Obama's citizenship:  At the Guardian...

Jumping the Meme Shark

April 29, 2011
Writes James Gleich at Smithsonian: Memes emerge in brains and travel outward, establishing beachheads on paper and celluloid and...

Extreme Adultery

April 29, 2011
In case you Twilight fans were wondering, The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for Film and...

JFK Loved LDS, You Should Too!

April 27, 2011
Kelly Smurthwaite at writes that while prominent news outlets are citing the Mormon faith of two GOP...

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