The Melancholy Rite

September 25, 2010
Mary Valle: I recently voted in my state's primary election, because I like voting. Where I vote is...

Sharlet on NPR

September 25, 2010
Read the entire transcript of Jeff Sharlet's appearance on NPR last week here.

Marketing Mormons

September 25, 2010
The Revealer's own Ann Pellegrini, professor of religious and performance studies at NYU, talked to Fox News' Lauren...

The Roots of Racism

September 25, 2010
Rachel Sladja at Talking Points Memo has a good piece up about the roots of all the recent...

Flaunting Malignant Brilliance

September 21, 2010
by Adam H. Becker A Film Unfinished (2010, 90 min), directed by Yael Hersonski, is about footage shot in the...

Call It a Comeback

September 15, 2010
Writes BibliOdyssey: Regarded as one of the finest of all illuminated manuscripts in existence, the Ottheinrich Bible was thought to have...

Draw Muhammad, Hide

September 15, 2010
Wendy Norris, the artist formerly known for getting facebook banned in Pakistan, has repeatedly and publicly denied starting "Everybody...

The Amish Get a Graph

September 15, 2010
Finally! Amish populations, and their recent migration westward for affordable land, got USA Today's graphics department busy....

Shari'ah: The New Communism

September 15, 2010
An "expose" on how Shari'ah is threatening America is now out from The Center for Security Policy,...

What Makes Ground Zero Holy?

September 11, 2010
We've been wondering what makes the site of the 9/11 attacks "holy ground."  Michael Daly takes this saccharine...

Fake Christians

September 6, 2010
So what exactly is an authentic Christian?  And who decides?

Mormons are People Too

September 6, 2010
Amidst accusations that they're clearing the way for another Mitt Romney presidential campaign, the Church of Jesus Christ...

Blair's Journey

September 6, 2010
The New Yorker's John Lanchester on former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair's new memoir, A Journey. On the...

Apologizing in Advance

September 6, 2010
Yesterday several hundred Afghans gathered to protest the planned 9/11 burning of the "Koran" at Dove World Outreach...

Our Failed Democratic Experiment

September 6, 2010
Democracy?  Meh.  We gave it a shot and look what we got:  legalized abortion, gay marriage and welfare.  Time...

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