Hertzberg's Warren

August 20, 2008
No mainstream pundit has gotten Rick Warren’s Saddleback forum for the candidates more wrong than The New Yorker‘s usually astute...


August 9, 2008
Revealer Kathryn Joyce is filling in for invaluable Sarah Posner while she’s on vacation. Read Kathryn’s special edition of...

What We Think We See in Iraq

July 15, 2008
Artist Karina Aguilera Skvirsky brings the war home by photographing reenactments of Iraqis at prayer or in reflection in...

Guns n' God

July 13, 2008
Every now and then, two great faiths converge. Such meetings transcend the ecumenical impulse; indeed, they may lead to...

Prepare for the Awesoming!

July 11, 2008
Awesomed By Comics isn't, technically, about religion. It's about comics. Totally awesome comics. Not so much the kind of...

July 2, 2008
Couldn’t resist:God arrested for selling cocaine.

Jewish Anarchists

June 28, 2008
In the late 19th century, the biggest political movement in Jewish America was anarchism, equally opposed to church and...

Mystical Realism

June 24, 2008
The NYT delivers news of The Shack, a gi-normous bestseller of a Christian novel, to the secular world, comparing...

The Diane Rehm Show

June 24, 2008
Sharlet: I’ll be discussing my new book, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, on...

The 'F' Word

June 14, 2008
What Rick Warren, a founder of modern advertising, and the dirtiest word in politics don't have in common. Adapted...

Big Baptist Blowout! Little Press.

June 13, 2008
Big, big story missed by the press: Messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, held in Indianapolis, rejected...

Bomb Throwers and Hall Monitors

June 4, 2008
Sharlet: Mark Silk, an eminent scholar of religion, politics, and journalism, takes issue with my Casting Stones post...

Apocalypse Savings

June 3, 2008
"The mind is capable of artful compartmentalisations; in one moment, a man might confidently believe in predictions of Armageddon...

Machine Politics

June 3, 2008
Sharlet: WNYC’s Leonard Lopate and I discuss “maximalism,” cronyism, and The Family.

Obama's Exorcism

June 3, 2008
It looks like it's the end of the line for Clinton and the beginning of a new battle for...

What's Next, L'il Buddy?

June 2, 2008
Time‘s Steven Gray follows up Obama’s decision to resign from Trinity United Church of Christ with what we think...

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