The Education of Senator Thune

February 22, 2005
Sharlet: Daschle defeater John Thune cites spiritual influence of a man who cites spiritual model of Osama Bin Laden....

It's Good to Be Rich

February 6, 2005
“For years [British] churches criticised Conservative governments and Baroness Thatcher. Now their views more closely reflect her famous comment...

W.: What About God?

February 3, 2005
The Revealer‘s normal modus operandi is to say: Didja see that? Religion! In the secular news! We’re always on...

What's the Matter with Iraqi Women?

January 11, 2005
Voting against one’s own interests may be an international phenomenon, according toHannah Allam of Knight Ridder Newspapers. Though women make up...

States' Rights, Towey-Style

January 4, 2005
Just two days after the AP reported on the first-ever tally of faith-based federal funding — over $1.17 billion in 2003...

It Worked Edmund Gwenn

January 3, 2005
The Dutch postal agency TPG has announced that it will send all anonymous letters to God to the Netherland’s evangelical broadcasting...

Faith-Based Status Quo?

January 3, 2005
A number of agencies that received federal funding earmarked for faith-based organizations were surprised to find that the government...

Questions of Faith

November 1, 2004
Questions of Faith 01 November 2004 A pastor reflects on the religious questions he wishes the press had asked...

"Spiritual War - Now More Than Ever!"

October 29, 2004
Every now and then The Revealer receives a press release that’s worth publishing as a kind of primary document journalism. Last...

28 October Daily Links

October 28, 2004
What are you going to dress up as for “Demonic Spirit Day”? That’s what some evangelicals are calling Halloween...

God and Politics in the Press

October 21, 2004
The battle for votes and souls passes its final Christian sabbath today with Kerry at a “predominantly black church”...

28 September 2004 Daily Links

September 28, 2004
Chris Walton of Philocrites points us to religion reporter Cathleen Falsani’s Chicago Sun-Times interview with Hugh Hefner. Falsani gets the obvious over with first:...

22 September 2004 Daily Links

September 22, 2004
Deal Hudson has announced that he will resign as publisher of Crisis magazine at year’s end as a result of the...

18 September 2004 Daily Links

September 18, 2004
Anti-Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) activists meeting in Nairobi called for comprehensive legislation banning the practice, which removes part of all...

10 September 2004 Daily Links

September 10, 2004
Pew’s latest study finds that “Americans in most religious categories want laws to define marriage as between a man and...

09 September 2004 Daily Links

September 9, 2004
A car bomb detonated outside the Australian Embassy in Jakarta killed nine and wounded 173 just before Indonesia’s presidential...

08 September 2004 Daily Links

September 8, 2004
“If Kerry Wins…“: Dick Cheney opts for equal opportunity voter intimidation. “‘Thank you, Lord, for loving journalism'”: Columbia Journalism Review’s Gal Beckerman writes...

07 September 2004 Daily Links

September 7, 2004
“It says something about a chasm in American culture that two groups that deride each other’s core beliefs use...

31 August 2004 Daily Links

August 31, 2004
“The funniest philosopher of all time”? Scott McLemee, at The Chronicle of Higher Education, reviews The Humor of Kierkegaard: An Anthology (Princeton University...

L'il Ol' Me

August 31, 2004
When White House appointees claim impotence, why doesn’t the press do more than giggle? By Kathryn Joyce The appointment...

Sample Protest Email Regarding Hager

August 31, 2004
Important Note: This is one of the old emails still circulating about Hager’s appointment —which happened two years ago. Read...

28 August 2004 Daily Links

August 28, 2004
‘I want people to judge me on my deeds, not how I try to define myself as a religious...

24 August 2004 Daily Links

August 24, 2004
“‘This shrine’s a problem.'” NPR’s Steve Inskeep talks to Washington Post embed Karl Vickabout the “politics” complicating things in Najaf. Listen. Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien...

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