It's Good to Be Rich

Published on February 6, 2005

“For years [British] churches criticised Conservative governments and Baroness Thatcher. Now their views more closely reflect her famous comment that ‘no one would remember the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions. He had money as well.'” The British Times reports that an umbrella organization of mainstream British churches has embraced “free market economics.” The news […]

“For years [British] churches criticised Conservative governments and Baroness Thatcher. Now their views more closely reflect her famous comment that ‘no one would remember the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions. He had money as well.'” The British Times reports that an umbrella organization of mainstream British churches has embraced “free market economics.” The news was welcomed by prominent British evangelical — and multi-millionaire — Robert Edmiston. “‘In earlier times wealth was seen as the blessing of God and many great Old Testament figures were wealthy and did great things with their wealth, so we need to recover the balance. It’s what we do with the wealth which really counts.’ Edmiston is planning to give £300m to charity before he dies.” Right — any day now, Bob.

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