15 August 2004 Daily Links

August 15, 2004
The President says he’s a “soldier of God.” His inspiration is Jesus. And he’s fighting the “emperor of evil.”...

And the Devil Likes Schlitz

August 11, 2004
God apparently prefers Coors. Peter Coors, that is, the brewery heir who won yesterday’s Republican primary for the open...

God Willing?

August 10, 2004
David Domke, University of Washington professor and author of the just-released book, God Willing?: Political Fundamentalism in the White House,...

10 August 2004 Daily Links

August 10, 2004
Veli-Matti Karkkainen, a Finnish theologian who has taught at Fuller Theological Seminary, the United States’ largest interdenominational seminary, since...

Raving Atheism

August 9, 2004
The 10th entry in “The ‘R’ Word,” The Revealer’s ongoing forum on what the campaign might look like if covered...

9 August 2004 Daily Links

August 9, 2004
Blogging from Baghdad: “I always love passing by the churches. It gives me a momentary sense that everything must...

07 August 2004 Daily Links

August 7, 2004
Why Bush will win: “Bush isn’t a fire-and-brimstone preacher, talking about sinners in the hands of an angry God. He’s...

06 August 2004 Daily Links

August 6, 2004
Christianity Today’s Steven Gertz draws attention to another bill currently before the Senate, overlooked as attention focused on the Federal...

03 August 2004 Daily Links

August 3, 2004
CBC News reports that the Vatican is setting up a sports department “to move the Roman Catholic Church closer to...

Spin and the Religion Reporter

August 2, 2004
No one wants to ask “What would Jesus Do?” on the campaign trail… By Bob Smietana The conventions were...

30 July 2004 Daily Links

July 30, 2004
Derrick Z. Jackson of The Boston Globe praises John Kerry for the much-repeated sound bite from his acceptance speech last night: “‘I...

28 July 2004 Daily Links

July 28, 2004
National Review readers loved Barack Obama’s DNC speech because, they claim, it was conservative — as evidence, they offer among...

Old God, New God

July 26, 2004
John Hall reports for the Media General News Service on an all-day conference sponsored by the Wesley Theological Seminary as part of...

Democratic National Ritual 2004

July 26, 2004
By Jay Rosen My fellow academics in journalism and media studies all know his name; too many journalists (and bloggers...

24 July 2004 Daily Links

July 24, 2004
“‘Churches have a responsibility to avoid partisan entrapment, just as political parties have a duty not to attempt to...

23 July 2004 Daily Links

July 23, 2004
B’nai B’rith International issued a statement this week calling on the Jewish community to end all dialogue with the...

22 July 2004 Daily Links

July 22, 2004
You can’t expect to find nuanced discussion of the role of religion in the lefty Nation, but occasionally you will...

Beyond the Zero-Sum Game

July 22, 2004
In the arena of spirituality, not every malady can be easily understood or solved. By Shahed Amanullah The typical...

19 July 2004 Daily Links

July 19, 2004
The NYT manages to publish an even less-perceptive report on the Georgia Senate race than The Washington Post. “G.O.P. is Poised to Tighten...

17 July 2004 Daily Links

July 17, 2004
AP reports that the Bush administration has blocked $34 million in congressionally-approved funds for the U.N. Population Fund because of what...

Christian Rubbish

July 16, 2004
Imagine a world of government-funded “faith-based” Christian academies. Now imagine a world in which said academies, built on the...

The "R" Word

July 16, 2004
Jay Rosen: “If a religion writer covered the presidential campaign, how would campaign coverage be different? The least interesting...

16 July 2004 Daily Links

July 16, 2004
Canadian Muslim and author of The Trouble With Islam, Irshad Manji, argues against one-dimensional perceptions of Islam, today on NPR’s The Leonard Lopate...

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