Scholastic Propaganda

September 5, 2006
There’s a bad buzz around the upcoming ABC docudrama mini-series, Path to 9/11. Writers at the Democratic mega-site Daily...

How To Tell If You're Intelligelical

August 30, 2006
Evangelicalism plus eggheadery equals, apparently, “intelligelicals,” and so far as we can tell from this intelligelical anti-intelligical rant, they’re...

Fall Events

August 29, 2006
The fall line-up of events at our host institution, NYU’s Center for Religion and Media. General interest journalists may...

Arctic Idol

August 29, 2006
Iconoclash: “Christian zealots destroy ancient Arctic petroglyphs.”

Threatened With a Baseball Bat

August 14, 2006
In an effort to curb sexual temptation among the staff at Saddleback and other churches, Rick Warren has posted...

Ralph Reed Gets Shaved

July 21, 2006
Religious Right-watcher Frederick Clarkson looks past liberal satisfaction over the electoral defeat of former Christian Coalition kingmaker Ralph Reed...

"The Killling Box"

July 21, 2006
More on Lebanon from Ken Silverstein: a short interview with Augustus Richard Norton, an anthropologist and retired U.S. Army...

Glory Bumps and Cartwheels

July 20, 2006
In a recent Washington Babylon post, Ken Silverstein draws our attention to an unconventional barometer of the worsening situation...

The Next Taliban?

July 18, 2006
The good news, we guess, is that the old “domino theory” of the Cold War is really dead. The...

Supporters of Hizbollah

July 15, 2006
Twice now, on CNN and, we think, NBC, we’ve heard all critics of Israel’s actions in Lebanon lumped together...

No Go Godot

July 12, 2006
A lefty is fed up with waiting for the religious left: “The fervent hope for the creation of a...

Belief and Disbelief

July 7, 2006
Salon writer Steve Paulson talks belief with disbeliever Sam Harris, author of the bestselling book The End of Faith....


July 7, 2006
“Hamza Walker Lindh has come to embody the challenge of Islam to America, and the challenge is simply this:...

Updike Misses Jihad

July 5, 2006
“If only the novelist had spent more time dreaming himself into the paranoid and angry world of Qutb and...

Who's Kooky, Now?

June 27, 2006
Slate‘s Martin Edlund trots out what will likely soon be the reigning narrative for mainstream coverage of the “religious...

Loss for Words

June 21, 2006
Linda Wertheimer’s NPR interview this morning with retiring Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson is surprisingly tough, openly skeptical of Gerson’s...

Valedictorian Altar Call

June 20, 2006
Valedictorian Brittany McComb tried her luck at freedom of (graduation) speech outburst last week when she deviated from the...

Progressive Faith Blog Con

June 16, 2006
Announcing the first annual Progressive Faith Blog Con, a gathering by and for religious and/or progressive bloggers. The conference...


June 14, 2006
New Yorkers: Tonight, Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet and Revealer contributor Laurel Snyder join novelist Katharine Weber at the “Novel...

Better Kept A Secret

June 10, 2006
This morning’s Guardian reports that a “secret high-level” study commissioned by London’s Directorate of Professional Standards has been leaked....

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