Eye for an Eye

March 29, 2005
Focus on the Family gears up for James Dobson’s appearance on MSNBC’s Scarborough Country tonight, where the good doctor...

Spring Break Eternal

March 28, 2005
What does Campus Crusader Becca Johnson hear on the beach in Florida this spring break? Not waves or partying...

Columbia Wars

March 28, 2005
New York Magazine’s Jennifer Senior speaks to WNYC’s Brian Lehrer on the controversy at Columbia University’s Middle East Studies...

It's No Piss-Christ

March 28, 2005
A Moscow art exhibit entitled “Beware of Religion” has been deemed “insulting” and “overtly provocative” by a district court,...

Easter Shroud Debunking

March 25, 2005
An Idaho English teacher, Nathan Wilson, has offered a theory on how the Shroud of Turin — Jesus’ supposed...

Conception Parties

March 25, 2005
The satirical website, The Swift Report, investigates another way to celebrate Easter weekend and “liven up the culture of...

Peace Radio

March 25, 2005
This Sunday, Israeli and Palestinian radio stations are scheduled to simultaneously play versions of a Mid-East peace song, “In...

Scottish Episcopal Church

March 25, 2005
Three weeks after bishops in the Scottish Episcopal Church declared that practicing homosexuals were eligible for ordination, the news...

God Racketeers

March 24, 2005
The Ten Commandments and PBS, abstinence education and Revelations, the Justice Department’s “religious rights” unit and Volcanoes of the...

21st Century Ship

March 23, 2005
Now that racism, unequal opportunity, inner city poverty, voter disenfranchisement, police profiling, inequities in the justice system and in...

Rabbis for Human Rights

March 23, 2005
Amid the dozens of stories about Israeli rabbis encouraging “forcible resistance” to the evacuation of Jewish settlements, comes the...

Biblical Smells

March 23, 2005
Christian theme-park watch: Yet another Disney-meets-your-holy-book adventure park/leisure resort is set to open, this time in Yorkshire, England under...

A Heretic's Zoology

March 22, 2005
Everyone’s a blasphemer these days, including Rabbi Nosson Slifkin, an ultra-Orthodox Israeli scholar and Talmudic zoologist who has written...

God of Small Things

March 22, 2005
Revealer contributor and friend Bob Smietana has suspended his blog, God of Small Things, for the time being. Bob’s...

Also Starring...

March 22, 2005
Poor Scott McConnell picked the wrong month to offer himself as a conservative Christian cause célèbre. But even though...

God Gene Redux

March 22, 2005
A study on the religiousness of identical and non-identical twins at Minnesota University adds a few more numbers to...

Force Assist

March 22, 2005
Scientology Christmas cards and on-the-clock spiritual massage: the things Tom Cruise’s co-workers have to put up with. Well, so...

Special Ops Jesus No More!

March 21, 2005
Steve Peacock, of the Greater Binghamton Progressive Media Center, reports that the U.S. Army Special Operations Command has cancelled...

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