Vatican Open Letter

December 15, 2005
15 December 2005 Approximately 80 Italian gay clergy members have issued an open letter (translated text here) to the...

Co-Ed Convent

December 14, 2005
14 December 2005 The Times Online reports on the one-year anniversary of a group of young Franciscan nuns and...

Sister Dorothy Stang

December 14, 2005
14 December 2005 Rayfran Sales and Clodoaldo Batista, the two Brazilian men convicted of killing American nun, Sister Dorothy...

UW Bible Study

December 13, 2005
13 December 2005 Today, the Wisconsin legislature will meet for an informational session regarding the “Bible-studies ban” controversy at...

Polygamy Parade

December 13, 2005
13 December 2005 “‘We’re coming. We are next. There’s no doubt about it.'” The Washington Times takes a page...

Classics for Christians

December 13, 2005
13 December 2005 With yesterday’s hearing on the motion to dismiss a case brought by Calvary Chapel Christian Schools...

Emergent S3K

December 13, 2005
13 December 2005 The news of a January conference of Emergent Christians and their Jewish counterparts at Synagogue 3000...

Suburb v. Suburb

December 12, 2005
12 December 2005 The Washington Post travels to Cobb County, Georgia, the Atlanta suburb with a remarkable proclivity for...

Muslim Renaissance

December 9, 2005
09 December 2005 The meeting of leaders from 57 Muslim countries in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, for an emergency meeting...

"The Reason for the Season"

December 9, 2005
09 December 2005 Two takes on the news that at least eight major megachurches have cancelled their Sunday services...

Secular Centennial

December 9, 2005
09 December 2005 Today marks the centennial of France’s legislation separating church and state: the framework for its concept...

A Happy Holidays Kind of Guy

December 8, 2005
08 December 2005 “‘Bush is pulling a Clinton. I expected more from this guy.'” The Catholic League’s Bill Donohue...

Faith-Based Rehab

December 8, 2005
08 December 2005 A Catholic man in Detroit who pled guilty to possession of marijuana and chose to attend...

Mirecki Resignation

December 8, 2005
08 December 2005 Disturbing news from Kansas: Paul Mirecki, the University of Kansas professor who became a topic of...

Dorothy Day Day

December 8, 2005
08 December 2005 For the 25th anniversary of the death of Dorothy Day, here are two tributes. One in...

Declaration of Christmas War

December 7, 2005
07 December 2005 Beyond Belief Media, under the leadership of “atheist Christian” blogger/director Brian Flemming, has announced that it...

Return of the "Conscience Clause"

December 7, 2005
07 December 2005 Return of the conscience clauses: an appeals court has ruled against a gay California woman suing...

The Bible Game

December 6, 2005
06 December 2005 Preetom Bhattacharya: The Washington Post’s Tech Gift Guide 2005 features “The Bible Game,” the first major...

Kansas Chill

December 6, 2005
06 December 2005 Although University of Kansas religion professor Paul Mirecki’s controversial course, “Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design...

Red Crystal

December 6, 2005
06 December 2005 Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Star of David, Red Crystal? Diplomats from 192 countries are meeting...

O Scotia Tree

December 5, 2005
05 December 2005 By Nellie Day Charles Drummond of The Harvard Crimson reported on a unique event that encompasses...

Son of Unitarian Preacher Man

December 5, 2005
05 December 2005 A wholly religion-and-the-media story comes from The Guardian, where readers’ editor Ian Mayes fends off the...

Return of the New York Jews

December 5, 2005
05 December 2005 Julia Duin of The Washington Times mounts the barricades in defense of the conservative Christian-conservative Jew...

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