You Say Jesus, I Say Geezus!

December 29, 2005
29 December 2005 Sharlet: One of my colleagues here at The Revealer saw more virtue in Sylvia Topp’s Village...

The Zeal of the Re-Convert

December 28, 2005
28 December 2005 There’s an elephant-sized religion story behind this short news item from The Times of India, which...

Bush's Jesus

December 28, 2005
28 December 2005 “So, as I read on and on about Jesus demanding that his disciples forgo any thoughts...

Focus at the Movies

December 28, 2005
28 December 2005 The New York Times’ John Leland moves beyond the neverending Narnia/Passion stories to find another trend...

Ad Nauseum

December 28, 2005
28 December 2005 Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI; Terri Schiavo and faith-based helping after Katrina; the exploding...

Stockade Life, Aceh

December 22, 2005
22 December 2005 A Sharia judge in the Indonesian province of Aceh has ordered the punishment of women who...


December 22, 2005
22 December 2005 Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion uncovers the next big thing in apoco-tainment: Robert Ferrigno’s Prayers for the...

Christian Right Celebrates Year of Fear

December 22, 2005
22 December 2005 The Christian Right: Looking back, looking forward. Concerned Women for America, a conservative outfit often represented...

King James in Odessa

December 22, 2005
22 December 2005 The Ector County Independent School Board of Odessa, Texas, has approved the teaching of the King...

The Theology of Domestic Spying

December 21, 2005
21 December 2005 The ongoing revelations of the Bush administration’s domestic spying don’t make for a religion story, but...

Follow the Money

December 21, 2005
21 December 2005 The incomparable Joe Feuerherd of the National Catholic Reporter follows the money and proves that medical...

Another Kind of Hunger Strike

December 21, 2005
21 December 2005 Navy Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt, an evangelical Episcopal chaplain who claims that he “may be fired next...

Dorothy Day, Terrorist

December 20, 2005
20 December 2005 Turns out progressive Catholicism is alive and well. Evidence of liberal theology’s efficacy comes from, of...

Nostalgia Without End

December 20, 2005
20 December 2005 “‘It is kind of heartening, I think, for Christians to see this, all this outrage, all...

Intelligent Design Ruling

December 20, 2005
20 December 2005 U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III has just ruled that teaching Intelligent Design in biology...

Tsunami Water Metaphors

December 19, 2005
19 December 2005 The Telegraph (UK) assesses the sea changes in Nam Khem, the Thai town hit hardest by...

How Far is Heaven?

December 19, 2005
19 December 2005 Barbara Walters doesn’t want her afterlife special, “Heaven: Where Is It? How Do We Get There?”...

Megachurch Liberty

December 16, 2005
16 December 2005 Megachurch pastors are apparently hurt over the mocking they’ve been taking in the media after coverage...

Woo-Woo Christmas

December 16, 2005
16 December 2005 House passes resolution in favor of Moms and puppies. Puppy-hating Jews dissent.

Letters to God

December 15, 2005
15 December 2005 Yesterday, Israeli mailmen performed their semi-annual delivery of letters to God, which, like U.S. letters to...

Permanent Interests

December 15, 2005
15 December 2005 Orthodox scholar and anthropologist Levi Sokolic delivers a diatribe against liberal Jews and the secular left...

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