Obama and the Kings

August 27, 2008
This essay from The Nation on “Obama and King” — which would have been better titled “Obama and the...

NEW News

August 22, 2008
The Network of Enlightened Women (NEW) “defines what conservatism is,” a NEW leader tells Politico‘s Helena Andrews. Unfortunately, either...

The Church Press

August 20, 2008
Brad Greenberg, author of the L.A. Jewish Journal’s “God Blog,” points us to Kathleen Parker’s WaPo column in which...

Hertzberg's Warren

August 20, 2008
No mainstream pundit has gotten Rick Warren’s Saddleback forum for the candidates more wrong than The New Yorker‘s usually astute...


August 9, 2008
Revealer Kathryn Joyce is filling in for invaluable Sarah Posner while she’s on vacation. Read Kathryn’s special edition of...

Guns n' God

July 13, 2008
Every now and then, two great faiths converge. Such meetings transcend the ecumenical impulse; indeed, they may lead to...

July 2, 2008
Couldn’t resist:God arrested for selling cocaine.

Mystical Realism

June 24, 2008
The NYT delivers news of The Shack, a gi-normous bestseller of a Christian novel, to the secular world, comparing...

The Diane Rehm Show

June 24, 2008
Sharlet: I’ll be discussing my new book, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, on...

Big Baptist Blowout! Little Press.

June 13, 2008
Big, big story missed by the press: Messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, held in Indianapolis, rejected...

Machine Politics

June 3, 2008
Sharlet: WNYC’s Leonard Lopate and I discuss “maximalism,” cronyism, and The Family.

What's Next, L'il Buddy?

June 2, 2008
Time‘s Steven Gray follows up Obama’s decision to resign from Trinity United Church of Christ with what we think...

This Guy!

June 2, 2008
Jesse Sunenblick, a former Revealer, writes: “i know you’re probably sick of the subject, but you should write about this...

Blacks, Jews, and Obama

May 31, 2008
The Revealer failed to alert readers to what promised to be an excellent panel on “Blacks, Jews, and Post-Racial...

Blog v. Preacher

May 31, 2008
The collapse of John McCain’s relationship with Christian Right leader John Hagee made for minor news in the mainstream...

Judas Lies

May 30, 2008
“The Betrayal of Judas” is the rare piece of journalism that sheds light on the secrets and lies of...

Fantastic Elastic Fundamentalism

May 30, 2008
Sharlet: Veteran Christian Right-watcher Frederick Clarkson reviews The Family for The Public Eye, the publication of Political Research Associates,...

McCain's Islam

May 30, 2008
Cliff Schecter, an Ohio-based investigative reporter with a new book on “The Real McCain,” collects the candidate’s most egregious...

Classic Muckraking

May 29, 2008
Richard Byrne in Bookforum: “The Family is classic muckraking: passionate, principled, and powerful.”

A Seductively Passionate Voice

May 29, 2008
Contributing to the conservative drumbeat for war with Iran are the criers of “religious freedom,” who point, correctly, to...

Reality Check

May 28, 2008
Sharlet: Amanda Marcotte — the blogger behind Pandagon and author of It’s a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival...

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