Little Green Footballs, Take 3

October 27, 2004
Little Green Footballs, Take 3 27 October 2004 Earlier today I noted that much of the rhetoric on Little...

Wild East

October 27, 2004
Wild East 27 October 2004 “‘They say that when a child is in the mother’s stomach, it learns the...

Free Choice Catholics vs. Chaput

October 26, 2004
Free Choice Catholics v. Chaput 26 October 2004 Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC), a reproductive rights advocacy group, has...

Afrocentric Anglicans

October 26, 2004
Afrocentric Anglicans 26 October 2004 African Anglican bishops are considering establishing a theology, and a number of theology schools, that...

Messianism in Gaza

October 26, 2004
Messianism in Gaza 26 October 2004 “We cannot leave. We are Jews.” Avirama Golan, of Haaretz, takes issue with the new,...

More Fig Leaves?

October 26, 2004
More Fig Leaves? 26 October 2004 The country’s largest faith-based association of doctors, the Christian Medical Association, today called California’s Proposition...

Daily Links October 22 2004

October 22, 2004
Muslim Power Will Loom! Now that American Muslims aren’t supporting Bush, it’s okay to go back to defaming them,...

Daily Links October 21 2004

October 21, 2004
NYT Gets It Wrong NYT gets it wrong: David E. Sanger reports that “Mr. Bush has never answered the question of...

God and Politics in the Press

October 21, 2004
The battle for votes and souls passes its final Christian sabbath today with Kerry at a “predominantly black church”...

Daily Links October 20 2004

October 20, 2004
The Next Best Thing Jesus says Vote … for Bush! Or, rather, the guy who played Him on TV...

Daily Links October 19 2004

October 19, 2004
None of the Above Mark Noll, America’s leading evangelical historian, explains why he won’t be voting for Kerry — or...

Daily Links October 18 2004

October 18, 2004
Ayn Rand v. W. It’s not often that we get to recommend Ayn Randian anything, much less the views...

Daily Links October 17 2004

October 17, 2004
Very Good News 17 October 2004 Jon Stewart: I’m here to confront you, because we need help from the...

Daily Links October 15 2004

October 15, 2004
More Communion Controversies According to Tony Blair’s family priest, Father Timothy Russ, the British Prime Minister “‘may well'” convert to...

Daily Links October 14 2004

October 14, 2004
Which Side Are You On? Two recent Revealer items are driving a lot of conservative readers to The Revealer. They’re angry with...

Daily Links October 13 2004

October 13, 2004
Group Areas Acts Hanna Swaid, head of the Israeli Arab civil rights group, the Arab Center for Alternative Planning,...

13 June 2004 Daily Links

June 13, 2004
12:21 pm: “‘I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God...

Satan is Real

April 30, 2004
After three centuries of decline, exorcism is booming in the Catholic Church. Tracy Wilkinsonof The Los Angeles Times profiles Father Gabriele Amorth, the...

Amish Revolt

April 29, 2004
The Amish know that photographs steal your soul.

Who Killed Pat Tillman?

April 29, 2004
As far as we can tell, New York Press columnist Matt Taibbi doesn’t give a damn about religion. But that doesn’t stop him...

Iraq for Hire

April 29, 2004
Also new today: “Who Killed Pat Tillman?” AP just reported that the U.S. has a new plan for subduing Fallujah — hire...

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