Party's Over, Fellas

November 24, 2003
Some people just don’t know when to leave. Evangelical jihadi and U.S. Lt. General William G. Boykin soldiers on, despite the...

God's Gay Marriage

November 22, 2003
When The New York Times delivers a sermon, it’s usually of the secular variety, which is why it comes as a...

Mel Gibson, Meet Will Farrell

November 21, 2003
Christiany Today‘s Ted Olson provides a fascinating array of responses to Elf, the controversial new film adaptation of the Christmas story critics fear...


November 20, 2003
Do Quakers have a constitutional right to quiet? That they do is the argument of a group of Friends,...

Writing My Religion

November 17, 2003
Great journalism requires both skepticism and empathy. So how does a believer — or an atheist — write about...

Imam Ali in Sadr City

November 14, 2003
“An Iraqi between posters of prominent Shiite cleric Sheik Muqtada al-Sadr and Imam Ali, first Imam and cousin of...

Uncovering Islam

November 12, 2003
Does the press’s coverage of Islam actually cover-up the complexities of a far-from monolithic faith? Why is Islam —...

The "God Gulf" at The New York Times

November 12, 2003
In a bold attempt to coin a new catchphrase, Nicholas Kristof of The New York Timeswrites of the “God gulf” between liberal and conservative...

Write Pretty

November 12, 2003
According to Alt.Muslim, one of the world’s greatest traditional Islamic artists lives in Arlington, Virginia. Mohamed Zakariya is a calligrapher, and he...

Christ Without Saddam

November 11, 2003
Saddam’s not the only thing gone missing from Iraq; according to the British Daily Telegraph, booze and gambling are disappearing...

Big House Buddha

November 10, 2003
Noah Levine is the latest Buddhist darling, son of bestselling Buddhist author Stephen Levine, and a tattooed punk who returns an...

Hat Trick

November 10, 2003
The Revealer’s better half, Killing the Buddha, scores with one of the more interesting pieces on the consecration of Gene Robinson,...

Let God Sort ’Em Out

November 10, 2003
Newsweek‘s Joshua Hammer offers an unintended glimpse into the role of religion — American, that is — in the Iraq war....

Bad Medicine

November 7, 2003
“Is Religion Good Medicine?” asks the cover line on the latest Newsweek. It’s certainly good cover fodder, as is health....

What Not To Do On Ramadan

November 5, 2003
This Ramadan, The Revealer promises not to disturb our fast with: movies, masturbation, or cupping (that’s medical bloodletting, for all you infidels). Islam Online offers other helpful...

The Education of Aviel Barclay

November 3, 2003
As Leah Eichler tells it in Moment, a Jewish monthly, the story of Aviel Barclay — poised to become the first woman to scribe...

Wicca Wacka

October 31, 2003
Halloween… time to bake the challah. Keren Engelberg, a contributing writer for The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, reports that...

God Hut

October 30, 2003
Jewish architect Richard Meier‘s vision for the Catholic church has just opened in a working class suburb of Rome. There’s...

The Kids Are Alright

October 29, 2003
The editors of The New Republic argue in this week’s edition that the Supreme Court should allow the words “under God”...

Lazy At Heart

October 28, 2003
There’s a bestselling book out there advising men to reclaim their masculine souls from the clutches of a feminized...

Catapulting Christians

October 27, 2003
Culture Is Not Optional is an intriguing name for a religious organization, and Catapult is an even better name for its magazine....

And Now, This

October 15, 2003
France, lately indistinguishable from Saudi Arabia to many Americans, is considering banning the hijab from public schools. The idea gained steam...


October 14, 2003
Has The New Republic found a new religion? Long considered the preeminent pulpit for hawkish pro-Israel views, not to mention thoughtful...

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