Daily Links 18 November 2004

November 18, 2004
The Truly Cool Don’t The Louisiana ACLU has threatened the Governor’s Office with legal action unless it stops violating...

Daily Links 17 November 2004

November 17, 2004
Tradition v. “Tradition” TWIRP (“The Woman Is Requested to Pay”) Day is canceled in a small Texas school district, after...

Daily Links 16 November 2004

November 16, 2004
From Prophetic to Prosaic Last June, the National Association of Evangelicals’ draft of new political guidelines for Christian civic...

Margaret Mead Film Festival

November 15, 2004
Our colleagues at NYU’s Center for Religion and Media recommend The Margaret Mead Film & Video Festival. We’re a bit...

Scripture vs. Scripturalism

November 15, 2004
Scripture vs. Scripturalism 15 November 2004 A scholar of Hindu fundamentalism looks at American “moral values.” By Gregory Grieve...

Daily Links 15 November 2004

November 15, 2004
Cathedral of Hope Michael Piazza, the pastor of the world’s largest gay church, Cathedral of Hope, has resigned from his...

Daily Links 14 November 2004

November 14, 2004
Bar Mitzvah Lessons (Not) Learned Hasdai Westbrook, on Bar Mitzvah lessons: “Mr. Wolf fixed his gaze on me. ‘I...

Daily Links 12 November 2004

November 12, 2004
The Good Reverend and Gay Rights “‘Who succeeded in the great cultural battle over race and rights … those...

Daily Links 11 November 2004

November 11, 2004
“Historical Ties” at Ashland U. In order to “reinforce historical ties,” Ohio’s Ashland University, founded by the Brethren Church, announces...

Daily Links 10 November 2004

November 10, 2004
Let It Boil Bob Jones U. has a glorious message for Bush, lest he be tempted to the “paganism”...

Only Bush Understands

November 9, 2004
Barry Goldwater biographer Rick Perlstein reports on some surprising numbers crunched by political scientist Phil Klinkner. Bush’s support among heavy churchgoers in 2000 and...

Daily Links 09 November 2004

November 9, 2004
Ashcroft & Evans To Pursue Solo Projects; Rummy Still With the Band John Ashcroft is done. So is Secretary...

Daily Links 08 November 2004

November 8, 2004
Gary Hart Preaches The prophetic voice of the moment comes from… Gary Hart? Who wouldda thunk? And yet here...

Daily Links 06 November 2004

November 6, 2004
The Religious Right’s Big Tent Q.: What does “religious right” mean if being religious, and on the right, isn’t...

Daily Links 05 November 2004

November 5, 2004
You’ll Know Us by Our Earbuds A California start-up called BiblePlayer offers free downloads of three different text versions of the...

Daily Links 04 November 2004

November 4, 2004
Canterbury Ale Monks and friars have long been among the best brewmasters, and the old heart of the Church...

Daily Links 02 November 2004

November 2, 2004
For Those About to Rock Billboard: GOP would rather you did not rock the vote, thank you very much....

Daily Links 01 November 2004

November 1, 2004
Gimme That Old-Time Moral Clarity More moral clarity on true evil. Matthew Yglesias reports, “Rep. Peter King, one of our moderate’...

Our Magical President

October 25, 2004
Our Magical President 25 October 2004 How Bush goes beyond the Bible to create his own reality. By Jeff Sharlet...

Daily Links October 25 2004

October 25, 2004
If Hitler Was a Blogger What if you had a “best blog contest” and Hitler won? Neo-Nazis will have...

Daily Links October 24 2004

October 24, 2004
Better ‘n Hot Yoga Hey — ya like yoga? Great. Then you’ll love Killing the Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible, co-authored...

Daily Links October 12 2004

October 12, 2004
Ten Red Herrings Stop the presses — the Supreme Court has decided to hear cases on displaying the Ten...

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