Human Weapon

March 19, 2004
“I break so many taboos when I become a suicide bomber…. I think this nihilism is very new. It’s...

Who Wrote What, When

March 18, 2004
At Eichler’s bookstore in Flatbush (that’s in Brooklyn, folks), Marc Shapiro‘s new book has been flying off the shelves; at...

God's Horse

March 17, 2004
God has spoken: “George Bush is going to win in a walk,” says the Lord (via mouthpiece Pat Robertson), “… it...

Oy vey, St. Blog!

March 17, 2004
St. Blog’s Parish, the Catholic blogosphere that’s rapidly displacing the Catholic print press, is something of a moveable feast....

Unitarians On Trial

March 16, 2004
Two Unitarian ministers in upstate New York have become the first clergy members to face criminal charges for performing...

Spiritual Ammunition

March 16, 2004
Last year, four days before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention issued a...

The God Beat

March 16, 2004
We almost called The Revealer “God Beat,” and thank God we didn’t — the more time we’ve spent studying religion in...

Random Voices

March 16, 2004
Brian Flemming is the man behind Bat Boy: The Musical, and his blog is everything you’d expect from a man with...

St. Blog's Parish

March 16, 2004
Even as bricks-and-mortar churches close, Catholicism thrives online in a vast, argumentative, virtual cathedral known as “St. Blog’s Parish.”...

St. Blog's Parish

March 16, 2004
Librarian Rachelle Linner explores the Roman Catholic blogosphere — “St. Blog’s Parish,” as it’s known — and finds it wanting. “The clearest...

Human Weapon

March 15, 2004
Filmmaker Ilan Ziv talks about Human Weapon, a history and investigation of suicide bombing. “The most brutal form of terrorism is...

The Secular Tide

March 15, 2004
“Meet the new face of intolerance,” writes The Wall Street Journal editorial page, and guess who the Journal‘s talking about? The “left”...

Instant Religion

March 15, 2004
What’s worse than a communist? An “ultra-communist,” of course. And there’s only one cure for that disease: Jesus. AP’s Melinda Leitsinger reports from...

Iraqi Interventions

March 15, 2004
USA Weekend‘s cover feature on five soldiers and how their service in Iraq has strengthened their faith is doubleplusgood propaganda,...

Jeebus H. Christ On A Popsicle Stick!

March 15, 2004
The FCC has run Jesus Christ out off South Park, The Comedy Channel’s lovable mountain town of foul-mouthed little assholes. Oops! We mean “butt-holes.” Broadcasting...

Good Gnus

March 15, 2004, a Jewish literature site, points the way to “The Mother Tongue Between Two Slices of Rye,” an essay by novelist Gary...

Marketing God, Part 3

March 15, 2004
Here at The Revealer, we’re intrigued by the way religions and “spiritualities” appeal, sell, and/or market themselves to followers, or...

"The Ice Storm," the Sermon

March 15, 2004
Sometimes an ice storm is just an ice storm; but sometimes, as in Barbara Nicolosi‘s exegesis of Ang Lee‘s film of Rick Moody‘s novel The...

A Jew Type Responds

March 14, 2004
Whether or not The Passion is anti-Semitic remains open to debate; but the question of whether it enflames anti-Semitic sentiments can...

Arresting Jesus

March 11, 2004
Late breaking Passion news from the Jewish Forward: “Emotions in the auditorium became so intense that during the crucifixion scene,...

We Knew Not

March 10, 2004
In our haste to bring you Chris Lehmann‘s powerful new feature on the visual sins of The Passion, The Revealer committed numerous sins...

After The Passion

March 10, 2004
You’ve seen The Passion of The Christ so many times now you can sing along to all the songs, and you’re...

Who Owns the Passion?

March 9, 2004
Another smart review of The Passion can be found in The Nation, wherein Stuart Klawans weighs Gibson’s marketing and moviemaking skills: “Beyond my parochial squeamishness...

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