The Secular Tide

Published on March 15, 2004

“Meet the new face of intolerance,” writes The Wall Street Journal editorial page, and guess who the Journal‘s talking about? The “left” of course. Which left? The “irreligious left,” currently threatening the nation with an overwhelming tide of secularism. “Secular absolutism is becoming the most potent religious force in America.” Confused? So were we, until the Journal taught us topsy-turvy […]

“Meet the new face of intolerance,” writes The Wall Street Journal editorial page, and guess who the Journal‘s talking about? The “left” of course. Which left? The “irreligious left,” currently threatening the nation with an overwhelming tide of secularism. “Secular absolutism is becoming the most potent religious force in America.” Confused? So were we, until the Journal taught us topsy-turvy theology. Take a lesson…

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