Marketing God, Part II

March 9, 2004
The Revealer’s latest original feature, “Picturing The Passion,” by Chris Lehmann, is the second installment of his series on the Marketing of God. Lehmann,...

Jeff Sharlet WAMC Albany Radio

March 8, 2004
The Revealer‘s Jeff Sharlet will be talking on religion and the way it gets written about at 11 am, eastern time, on “Roundtable,”...

Evangelical Borg

March 8, 2004
Two features on the growing strength of evangelical Christians reveal the stagnation of the press’s understanding of the breadth...

The God-Plus Beat

March 8, 2004
Aha — now we know why David Kirkpatrick (see “Evangelical Borg”) extracted such a one-note article out of the curiousity (to say...

When to Smite?

March 6, 2004
Mass emails are a kind of journalism these days, whether it’s a Paul Krugman column or anAnn Coulter broadside e-blasted to a...

Public Confessions

March 6, 2004
Should politicos confess their faith in public? Buried in The Washington Post‘s metro section are a series of colorfully-phrased answers...

Faith-Based Bribery

March 5, 2004
President Bush is reminding his base — and liberal religious activists who could provide swing votes — of FBI, his faith-based initiative...

Exclamation Points!

March 5, 2004
Can you feel it? Shockwave! Today’s the big day when teen prayer warriors around the world go to war....

Jesus Lab

March 5, 2004
Q. What guides Bush‘s science policies, politics or science? A. Jesus. That is, if we take Bush’s testimonies of faith seriously....

Iraqi Hearts & Minds

March 4, 2004
For some reason, the “language pack installation” box pops up when we open this sop for the faithful by James G. Lakely in...


March 4, 2004
New media prayer warriors try to shake the world. By Elizabeth A. Castelli The banner reads: “Shockwave: Identify Yourself...

Shockwave Teen Prayer Warriors

March 4, 2004
A new original feature on The Revealer: “Shockwave,” by Elizabeth A. Castelli. Castelli, a visiting fellow at New York University’s Center for...

Mel Gibson's Baby

March 3, 2004
Mel Gibson defines evil for Christianity Today‘s Mark Moring: “taking something that’s good and twisting it a little bit.” Well, if you say...

Gay Marriage, This Instant

March 3, 2004
Writing about the fight for — or against — gay marriage means writing about religion. Yet most of the...

Holidays in Haiti

March 3, 2004
With John Kerry‘s hair looming large on the newscape, Haiti has been returned to its “place” in the hierarchy of...

Unvarnished Love

March 3, 2004
Virginia Postrel has cut through much of the noise of the gay marriage debate by publishing on Dynamist a letter, with pictures,...

Ruth, Revealed

March 3, 2004
The Revealer will be practicing a different kind of religion journalism, in person, at the JCC of Manhattan on Thursday, March 4,...

The Voodoo Question

March 2, 2004
Most of the mainstream press has covered the violence in Haiti as if just learning about the country for...

Baptism in Iraq

March 2, 2004
More on the Mandaean water worshippers of Iraq, from Megan K. Stack of The Los Angeles Times: “When they want to find God,...

God for Prez

March 2, 2004
“Really quick, is God on America’s side?” Don’t worry — it’s a rhetorical question. At least, it is when The...

Everyone's a Critic

March 2, 2004
New: The Revealer presents a set of sorta-secular links to mainstream media criticism. Recommendations welcome.

Quindlen in the Middle

March 2, 2004
Anna Quindlen‘s latest Newsweek column is as earnest as ever, but there’s a refreshing edge brought on by a letter writer’s assumption that...

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