
Imams for Hire

January 2, 2006
02 January 2006   “Insight and Influence. Anywhere. Anytime.” NYT reports that the Lincoln Group, a U.S. contractor recently exposed as subverting...

ID News

January 2, 2006
02 January 2006 Unexpected allies for the Intelligent Design movement: Orthodox Jews.

Great Stuff

January 2, 2006
02 January 2006 New recruit, on her way to Iraq: “You can just hope God is on your side...

Megachurch Turnover

January 2, 2006
02 January 2006 Robert Schuller, among the inventors of the modern megachurch, turns the Crystal Cathedral’s pulpit over to...

Reporting Faith Based Initiatives

January 2, 2006
02 January 2006 Frank James of The Chicago Tribune runs through the laundry list of lawsuits pending against faith-based groups accused...

Jesus TV: Milking the Culture War

January 2, 2006
02 January 2006 Time magazine gives a preview of “The Book of Daniel,” an NBC sitcom premiering this Friday, which...

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